Description of problem:
I am experiencing an issue with the TechRadar feature in Developer Hub. I have a service that exposes data.json for my homepage, learning paths, and TechRadar. While the homepage and learning paths are accessible without issues, I encounter a 401 Unauthorized error when trying to access the TechRadar. Error Log: {"level":"info","message":"[17/Oct/2024:13:11:05 +0000] \"GET /api/proxy/developer-hub/tech-radar HTTP/1.1\" 401 173 \"-\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/\"","service":"rootHttpRouter","timestamp":"2024-10-17 13:11:05","type":"incomingRequest"} User Role: Admin user Plugin Load Log: {"level":"info","message":"Loaded dynamic frontend plugin 'backstage-plugin-tech-radar' from 'file:///opt/app-root/src/dynamic-plugins-root/backstage-plugin-tech-radar-0.7.4' ","plugin":"scalprum","service":"backstage","timestamp":"2024-10-17 13:07:49"} {"level":"info","message":"[HPM] Proxy created: /developer-hub/tech-radar -> https://ssf-rhdh-homepage-x60031792.apps.<cluster-domain>/tech-radar","plugin":"proxy","service":"backstage","timestamp":"2024-10-17 13:07:48"} Proxy Configuration: proxy: endpoints: '/developer-hub': target: {{ .Values.homepage.route }} changeOrigin: true secure: false '/developer-hub/learning-paths': target: {{ .Values.homepage.route }}/learning-paths changeOrigin: true secure: false '/developer-hub/tech-radar': target: {{ .Values.homepage.route }}/tech-radar changeOrigin: true secure: false
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Follow the steps in It is important that you are serving your data.json through a service and not through a hosted json.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Change your data.json so that it is not identical to the default one 2. Make sure your server is exposing your tech-radar data.json file. 3. Access your tech-radar in your Developer Hub instance. 4. Check that your change you did to your data.json file wasn't applied 5. Observe the 401 Unauthorized error in your pod logs.
Actual results:
The default tech-radar is displayed
Expected results:
The tech-radar with modification is displayed
Additional info:
My user is admin, I have all the roles. My configuration worked perfectly for homepage and learning-path