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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-4494

Document processes for branching, backporting, maintenance, CVEs

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      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)

      There is confusion today about the timelines/processes for branching, backporting, maintenance, CVEs.

      We need concise procedures forL

      • how/when to branch,
      • what plugin version bumping needs to happen at that time,
      • how this impacts janus-idp/backstage-plugins as well as rhdh-plugins and BCP repos
      • how to handle features/minor updates in cherrypicks/backports
      • how to articulate which versions of Backstage/RHDH are supported by a given plugin
        • Need both minimum and maximum values
        • ie., does plugin foo run on BS 1.29.2 / RHDH 1.3 AND on BS 1.32.0 / RHDH 1.4

      Also need procedures for doc updates:

      See also Plugin versioning scheme proposal

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      Doc in https://github.com/redhat-developer/rhdh-team-docs/tree/main/docs

      Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):

      • define processes
      • agree on conventions
      • follow them
      • script what we can
      • document/recommend what we can't automate

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