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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-4240

Removed the pre-configured custom resources from the Kubernetes configuration

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      Before this update, the custom resources in Kubernetes configuration were pre-configured. As a result, users could see Tekton warnings without configuring the custom resources in Kubernetes.

      This update removes the pre-configured custom resources from the Kubernetes configuration. Therefore, users can customize resources to the Kubernetes configuration based on their requirements, preventing unrelated warnings from appearing.
      Before this update, the custom resources in Kubernetes configuration were pre-configured. As a result, users could see Tekton warnings without configuring the custom resources in Kubernetes. This update removes the pre-configured custom resources from the Kubernetes configuration. Therefore, users can customize resources to the Kubernetes configuration based on their requirements, preventing unrelated warnings from appearing.
    • Bug Fix
    • Done
    • RHDH F&UI plugins 3263

      Description of problem:

      As a user, I have configured my RHDH to connect to a GKE cluster with the following configuration:
          type: 'multiTenant'
          - configmaps
          - deployments
          - limitranges
          - pods
          - services
          - statefulsets
          - replicasets
          - type: 'gke'
            projectId: 'rhdh-qe'
            authProvider: 'googleServiceAccount'
            region: 'us-central1'
            skipTLSVerify: true
            skipMetricsLookup: true
            exposeDashboard: true
      But still seeing warning related to tekton and routes

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:


      Actual results:

      Can see warnings related to tekton resources

      Expected results:

      Shouldn't see warnings for resources that are not configured

      Additional info:

      The K8s backend plugin is installed and configured with custom resources.


              dsantra12 Debsmita Santra
              dsantra12 Debsmita Santra
              RHIDP - Frontend Plugins & UI
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