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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-3891

[QE] Define Test Scenarios - Backend RHDH License Tracking Plugin

Create Doc EPIC for Fe...Prepare for Y ReleasePrepare for Z ReleaseXMLWordPrintable


      UI Scenarios:
      1. Check user count
      2. Check list content, on frontend and CSV export
      3. Check warning in case the number of licenses are exceeded (how? We will need to have planty of registered users, or a very small license)
      4. Once you exceeded the license amount of users, deleting a user will make the warning go away.

      API Scenarios:
      1. Check list of users
      2. Check total count
      3. Does the api returns a warning in case of exceeded users? To be checked

              rh-ee-ngallego Nil Gallego
              psrna Pavol Srna
              RHIDP - Plugins
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
