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      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)

      An elevator pitch (value statement) that describes the Feature in a clear,
      concise way.

      As an RHDH administrator, I want to be able to roll back/restore the application to a previous state, so that users can continue to use the application in case of mistakes or critical issues discovered after upgrading it.

      Mistakes and unforeseen issues can lead to significant downtime or even data loss if there is no way to roll back changes or restore from backups. As such, we should test and provide guidance on how to perform a rollback using an existing backup.

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      The observable functionality that the user now has as a result of receiving
      this feature. Include the anticipated primary user type/persona and which
      existing features, if any, will be expanded.

      • Minimized downtime in case of any issues during an upgrade
      • Increased confidence and trust in RHDH, knowing that administrators can recover from mistakes or unexpected issues (provided they have backups, which we should strongly recommend)

      Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):

      A list of specific needs or objectives that a feature must deliver in order
      to be considered complete. If the feature spans across releases then good
      to have scope for each release with acceptance criteria. Be sure to
      include nonfunctional requirements such as security, reliability,
      performance, maintainability, scalability, usability, etc.

      • Research how to perform backup/restore of Backstage apps
      • Test and document how to do this using both Helm and the Operator

      Out of Scope (Optional)

      High-level list of items that are out of scope.


      Customer Considerations (Optional)

      Provide any additional customer-specific considerations that must be made
      when designing and delivering the Feature. Initial completion during
      Refinement status.

      <your text here>

      Documentation Considerations

      Provide information that needs to be considered and planned so that
      documentation will meet customer needs. If the feature extends existing
      functionality, provide a link to its current documentation.

      <your text here>

              rh-ee-mhild Marcel Hild
              rh-ee-asoro Armel Soro
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
