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    • Icon: Feature Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • None
    • Quality
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • 17% To Do, 83% In Progress, 0% Done

      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)

      An elevator pitch (value statement) that describes the Feature in a clear,
      concise way.

      <your text here>

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      The observable functionality that the user now has as a result of receiving
      this feature. Include the anticipated primary user type/persona and which
      existing features, if any, will be expanded.

      <your text here>

      Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):

      • TBD, Define scope for 1.3 

      Out of Scope (Optional)

      High-level list of items that are out of scope.

      <your text here>

      Customer Considerations (Optional)

      Provide any additional customer-specific considerations that must be made
      when designing and delivering the Feature. Initial completion during
      Refinement status.

      <your text here>

      Documentation Considerations

      Provide information that needs to be considered and planned so that
      documentation will meet customer needs. If the feature extends existing
      functionality, provide a link to its current documentation.

      <your text here>

              psrna Pavol Srna
              psrna Pavol Srna
              RHIDP - QE
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
