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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-2644

Expose extension points for the keycloak-backend plugin

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      With this update, you can provide transformer functions for user/group to mutate the entity from Keycloak before their ingestion into the catalog with the new Backstage backend.

      . Create a backend module.
      . Provide the custom transformers to the `keycloakTransformerExtensionPoint` extension point exported by the package.
      With this update, you can provide transformer functions for user/group to mutate the entity from Keycloak before their ingestion into the catalog with the new Backstage backend. .Procedure . Create a backend module. . Provide the custom transformers to the `keycloakTransformerExtensionPoint` extension point exported by the package.
    • Feature
    • Done
    • RHDH Core Team 3258, RHDH Plugins 3259, RHDH Plugins 3260

      The requested user/group transformers have already been added via https://github.com/janus-idp/backstage-plugins/pull/542, however, they are not usable without statically installing the plugin after modifications (for old backend), or creating a wrapper module to utilize custom transformers.

      The goal is to expose extension points to add the user/group transformers via modules. Refer to https://backstage.io/docs/backend-system/architecture/extension-points/ for more information on extension-points.

      Refer to upstream entity providers for an example: https://github.com/backstage/backstage/blob/918d273bbb843bd09bb6c80d22d87c257a7e5343/plugins/catalog-backend-module-msgraph/src/module/catalogModuleMicrosoftGraphOrgEntityProvider.ts#L85-L120

              rh-ee-jhe Jessica He
              rh-ee-frkong Frank Kong (Inactive)
              RHIDP - Plugins
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
