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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-2627

Deprecation warning when OIDC provider is configured

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    • RHDH Core Team 3258
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      Description of problem:

      A warning appears in the console when OIDC is set up:

      DEPRECATION WARNING: Authentication providers require a configApi instance to configure the authentication flow. Please provide one to the authentication provider constructor.

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Configure Keycloak OIDC
      2. Launch RHDH
      3. The warning should appear in the browser console

      Actual results:


      Expected results:

       ** No Warning

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):

      Always.  This has been happening for a while now, just haven't had time to report it.

      Build Details:
      RHDH Version: 1.2.0
      Backstage Version: 1.26.5
      Upstream: janus-idp/backstage-showcase 1.2.x @ b076eacf
      Midstream: gitlab.cee.redhat.com/rhidp/rhdh rhdh-1.2-rhel-9 @ f968ffb1
      Build Time: 2024-06-06T03:38:25Z

      Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):

      This error is coming from the DefaultAuthConnector. It looks like we are not passing in the configAPI obj in the OIDC implementation


              rh-ee-jhe Jessica He
              ktsao@redhat.com Kim Tsao
              RHIDP - Core Platform
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
