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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-1477

merge https://github.com/rhdh-bot/openshift-helm-charts publishing and content into redhat-developer/rhdh-helmchart

Create Doc EPIC for Fe...Prepare for Y ReleasePrepare for Z ReleaseXMLWordPrintable

      Today we have "upstream" RHDH helm chart builds that run ... sometimes (migrated from janus-idp)

      And we have "downstream" RHDH CI builds that run on every new RHDH hub container build, which is the basis for the PRs submitted to https://github.com/openshift-helm-charts/charts for GA pushes.

      We may want to consolidate these into a single repo and stream of builds, and stop pushing to https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/rhdh-chart/backstage

              rh-ee-oaljalju Omar Al Jaljuli
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              RHIDP - Install
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