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  1. RHEL Testing
  2. RHELTEST-613

Storage - swraid mdadm raid_module test - [ FAIL ] :: startup()


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    • rhel-sst-logical-storage

      ::   startup
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: Output of 'uname -r':
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: --------------- OUTPUT START ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: 6.12.0-32.el10.s390x
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: ---------------  OUTPUT END  ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   PASS   ] :: Command 'uname -r' (Expected 0, got 0)
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: Output of 'rpm -q kernel':
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: --------------- OUTPUT START ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: kernel-6.12.0-32.el10.s390x
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: ---------------  OUTPUT END  ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   PASS   ] :: Command 'rpm -q kernel' (Expected 0, got 0)
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: Output of 'rpm -q mdadm':
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: --------------- OUTPUT START ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: mdadm-4.3-4.el10.1.s390x
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: ---------------  OUTPUT END  ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   PASS   ] :: Command 'rpm -q mdadm' (Expected 0, got 0)
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: Output of 'lsblk':
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: --------------- OUTPUT START ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: NAME                          MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: vda                           252:0    0  120G  0 disk
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: ├─vda1                        252:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: └─vda2                        252:2    0  119G  0 part
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: ├─rhel_s390x--kvm--052-root 253:0    0   70G  0 lvm  /
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: ├─rhel_s390x--kvm--052-swap 253:1    0    8G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: └─rhel_s390x--kvm--052-home 253:2    0   41G  0 lvm  /home
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: ---------------  OUTPUT END  ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   PASS   ] :: Command 'lsblk' (Expected 0, got 0)
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: Output of 'lsmod | grep raid':
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: --------------- OUTPUT START ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: ---------------  OUTPUT END  ---------------
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   PASS   ] :: Command 'lsmod | grep raid' (Expected 0-255, got 1)
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   LOG    ] :: startup(): rc=1
      :: [ 13:28:26 ] :: [   FAIL   ] :: startup() 
      ::   Duration: 0s
      ::   Assertions: 5 good, 1 bad
      ::   RESULT: WARN (startup)




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