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  1. RHEL Documentation
  2. RHELDOCS-19269

RHEL 10 beta release notes do not mention removal of 32-bit userspace


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      .32-bit packages have been removed in RHEL 10

      Linking against 32-bit multilib packages has been removed. The `*.i686` packages remain supported for the life cycle of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.
      .32-bit packages have been removed in RHEL 10 Linking against 32-bit multilib packages has been removed. The `*.i686` packages remain supported for the life cycle of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.
    • Done
    • Unspecified
    • Unspecified
    • Unspecified

      Document link: https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/10-beta/html-single/10.0_beta_release_notes/index#overview-major-changes

      Section number and name: 1.1 Major changes in RHEL 10.0 Beta

      Describe the issue:

      The RHEL 9.5 release notes mention that 32-bit packages are deprecated - https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html/9.5_release_notes/deprecated-functionalities#deprecated-functionalities-compilers-and-development-tools - but RHEL 10.0 beta release notes where this removal actually took place is silent on the issue

      Impact of this issue:

      We're trying to get affected teams to be aware of the issue and hopefully pressure their vendors to start providing 64-bit binaries, and this is harder without it being documented in one place

      Suggestions for improvement:

      Have a section announcing the removal of 32-bit packages and potentially suggest options for those who still need them

              rhn-support-gfialova Gabriela Fialova
              michel.lind Michel Lind
              Gabriela Fialova Gabriela Fialova
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
