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  1. RHEL Documentation
  2. RHELDOCS-18971

Confusing instruction for UBI container subscription secrets (Podman)


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      Document link: https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html-single/building_running_and_managing_containers/index#con_adding-software-to-a-ubi-container-on-a-subscribed-host_assembly_adding-software-to-a-ubi-container

      Section number and name: 7.3 Adding software to a UBI container on a subscribed host

      Describe the issue: The following instruction "Ensure that the yum, dnf, and microdnf commands search for entitlement data at this path. " appear to be duplicate as the command above ( $ cat /usr/share/containers/mounts.conf ) is doing just that, assuming that the information contained within the following link is complete and accurate. https://access.redhat.com/solutions/7001758

      Impact of this issue: Minor confusion. Implies that (unspecified) steps are required to ensure that the listed package managers will search for entitlement data at this path.

      Suggestions for improvement:

      Option A: Delete "Ensure that the yum, dnf, and microdnf commands search for entitlement data at this path. "

      Option B: Add the word "This" and will read as "This ensure that the yum, dnf, and microdnf commands search for entitlement data at this path. "

      Note: I am a new podman user with limited knowledge. I think this could be removed, RHEL documentation standards dependent.

              gnecasov@redhat.com Gabriela Necasova
              vought_industries MICHAEL SWEENEY (Inactive)
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