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  1. RHEL Documentation
  2. RHELDOCS-16687

[DDF] This guide could really benefit from a section about exclusions. There are many different kinds of data sources


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      This guide could really benefit from a section about exclusions. There are many different kinds of data sources that ReAR can exclude, but the software itself doesn't provide much help in understanding how to do this. Administrators need to know how to exclude devices, partitions, RAID arrays, executables, files, and entire file systems from being included in the backup, overwritten on recovery, or both. It would be really helpful to know what ReAR excludes by default, but its own default config file, while highly organized, is extremely dense and lacking in quality examples. It doesn't seem possible to accurately verify that an exclusion was done correctly without taking the time to destroy and recover a test system. We would all save a lot of time if quality information was available to start with.

      Reported by: lawrence.miller


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