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  1. RHEL Conversions
  2. RHELC-920

GitHub Issue #747: MySQL downgrade after conversion, service won't start


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      https://github.com/mbartolic1 has created an issue in GitHub https://github.com/oamg/convert2rhel/issues/747

      Title: MySQL downgrade after conversion, service won't start
      Hi, i attempted to migrate CentOS 8.5.2111 to RHEL. Migration went fine, except after reboot mysql.service would not start.

      mysqld.log shows:
      `[ERROR] [MY-013171] [InnoDB] Cannot boot server version 80021 on data directory built by version 80026. Downgrade is not supported`

      Before conversion mysql package was at version 8.0.26, after conversion it was 8.0.21. I manually upgraded to version 8.0.30 and now it works.

      Conversion process didn't say anything about mysql, nor is there any mention of mysql in convert2rhel.log file.
      With `yum info mysql --showduplicates` i see that RedHat has available version mysql-8.0.26 among others. I understand reasons against automatic upgrading to newer versions, but i don't understand why the process didn't use the same 8.0.26 version which is available? Or at least notify me which packages will be downgraded?

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