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  1. RHEL Conversions
  2. RHELC-850

User to acknowledge RHSM telemetry


    • 2
    • 2023-Q1
    • Testable

      We shall warn the user about the fact that convert2rhel automatically uploads information about the conversion to Red Hat servers through RHSM facts collection. Some customers may not be in favor of that so we shall explain how they can opt out.

      The custom facts we collect (see the Breadcrumbs class in breadcrumbs.py):

      • the convert2rhel command as executed by the user, including all CLI options (RHSM password/activation key replaced with asterisks)
      • convert2rhel rpm version and rpm signature
      • conversion success flag (true/false)
      • timestamps of the start and end of the convert2rhel execution
      • source OS vendor and version of the OS
      • version of RHEL convert2rhel is converting the source OS to
      • Convert2RHEL-related environment variables


      Acceptance criteria:

      • A warning is printed to the user early in the conversion about the fact that we collect this and that data about the conversion and that we upload the data to Red Hat servers for statistics purposes.
      • The user is made aware that they can opt out from the data collection by using an environment variable (RHELC-849).
      • The specific messaging of the warning is consulted with the documentation team (Miriam Portman).
      • The user is asked to acknowledge the data collection (utils.ask_to_continue())

            ahosek@redhat.com Adam Hosek
            mbocek@redhat.com Michal Bocek
            Daniel Diblik Daniel Diblik
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
