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  1. RHEL Conversions
  2. RHELC-821

Remove listing of available subs


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    • RHELBU-2126 - Seamless conversion to RHEL with SCA enabled
    • 2023-Q2
    • Testable

      Remove the feature that lists the available subscriptions in the terminal and lets the user choose interactively which pool ID they want to use for the conversion. This sub list is printed in case:

      1. RHSM username/password is used instead of organization/activation key, and
      2. no subscription pool ID is passed through the --pool CLI option, and
      3. Simple Content Access (SCA) is disabled

      Reasons for the removal:

      Acceptance criteria:

      • The conversion stops with a message pointing to https://access.redhat.com/management/ and mentioning that there they can either enable the SCA, or create an activation key, or find a Pool ID of the subscription they wish to use and pass it to convert2rhel through the --pool CLI option in case:
        1. RHSM username/password has been used instead of organization/activation key, and
        2. Simple Content Access (SCA) is disabled (upon registering the system we check the SCA status), and
        3. no subscription pool ID has been passed through the --pool CLI option, and
        4. the attempt to subscribe the system through calling the $ subscription-manager attach --auto command fails.
      • The help message for the --pool option is updated to remove "If not used, the user is asked to choose from the available subscriptions."
      • The test that checks whether the only subscription available under an RHSM account is automatically attached is removed (test_auto_attach_pool_submgr())
        • it is no longer needed
      • The hack introduced in PR #627 that temporarily creates the /etc/yum/vars/releasever file is removed (https://github.com/oamg/convert2rhel/pull/627/commits/cc7cc069ded1e77ff2c57b755276d226b29e267e)


      The current feature looks like this:

      Choose one of your subscriptions that is to be used for converting this system to RHEL:
      ======= Subscription number 1 =======
      Subscription Name:   Red Hat Beta Access
      Provides:            Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Applications for IBM z Systems Beta
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Applications for Power, little endian Beta
                           Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder for Power, little endian Beta
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability Beta
      SKU:                 RH00069
      Contract:            12355465
      Pool ID:             2c94be5783f64dbe01841600dc2f277d
      Provides Management: No
      Available:           Unlimited
      Suggested:           1
      Service Type:        L1-L3
      Service Level:       Self-Support
      Subscription Type:   Standard
      Starts:              10/26/22
      Ends:                10/26/23
      Entitlement Type:    Physical
      Enter number of the chosen subscription:

            prwatson@redhat.com Preston Watson
            mbocek@redhat.com Michal Bocek
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