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  1. RHEL Conversions
  2. RHELC-1672

Newer RHEL kernel ignored as a default candidate


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    • 8
    • Testable

      When there is a newer kernel available in RHEL than the latest from the original vendor, albeit handled and installed by the main transaction, it does not get set as a default kernel to boot into.
      Instead, we try to install an older version of kernel and report a conflict of kernel versions.
      The conversion finishes successfully in the end, but leaves the system running on a kernel version without the latest security updates.

      There is a fallback for the kernel version conflict, where we try to update the older version installed prior, but this eventually fails to do anything, since the latest kernel version is already installed by the main transaction.

      This can be generally reproduced/seen in the short period of time, when RHEL kernel package has not yet been rebuilt by the other vendors.
      Or when trying a minor version bump.

      The issue seems to be here , where we only capture the first match from the yum install kernel call.
      Additionally, it seems like we don't consider the scenario of the newer kernel version installed during the main transaction at all.


      1. Get AlmaLinux 8.8 machine
      2. Set the releasever=8.9 in /usr/share/convert2rhel/configs/almalinux-8-x86_64.cfg
      3. run the full conversion

      Attached log files show conversion from CentOS 8.5 to 8.10.
      The cos85-to-rhel810_convert2rhel.log demonstrates the current implementation
      cos85-to-rhel810-fix_convert2rhel.log shows a potential fix to the issue.

      Acceptance criteria

      • Set the latest RHEL kernel available in the respective minor version as the default to boot to

          There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

              ddiblik@redhat.com Daniel Diblik
              ddiblik@redhat.com Daniel Diblik
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
