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  1. RHEL Conversions
  2. RHELC-1526

Regression: libreport-plugin-mantisbt causes transaction failure


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    • False
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    • False
    • Testable

      The "Fix the issue" commit from RHELC-1130 has introduced a regression. When the customer has the libreport-plugin-mantisbt package installed, the analysis/conversion fails on the transaction calculation. The package used to be excluded but the commit removed it from the exclusion list. Why was it removed?

      A customer hitting the regression: https://access.redhat.com/support/cases/#/case/03737715/discussion?commentId=a0a6R00000WIvsGQAT

      Resolving the dependencies of the packages in the yum transaction set.
      [2024-04-12T09:32:49+0000] DEBUG - Dependency resolution failed:
      - libreport-plugin-mantisbt-2.1.11-53.el7.centos.x86_64 requires libreport-web = 2.1.11-53.el7.centos
      - abrt-retrace-client-2.1.11-60.el7.centos.x86_64 requires abrt = 2.1.11-60.el7.centos
      - libreport-plugin-mantisbt-2.1.11-53.el7.centos.x86_64 requires libreport = 2.1.11-53.el7.centos
      [2024-04-12T09:32:49+0000] DEBUG - Removing problematic packages to continue with the conversion:
      Backing up the packages: libreport-plugin-mantisbt-2.1.11-53.el7.centos.x86_64,abrt-retrace-client-2.1.11-60.el7.centos.x86_64.
      [2024-04-12T09:32:49+0000] DEBUG - Not using repository files stored in /var/lib/convert2rhel/backup/ed2e326f3aefc335463ab68aa15a72c2 due to the absence of internet access.
      [2024-04-12T09:32:49+0000] DEBUG - Downloading the libreport-plugin-mantisbt-2.1.11-53.el7.centos.x86_64 package.
      [2024-04-12T09:32:49+0000] DEBUG - Calling command 'yumdownloader -v --destdir=/var/lib/convert2rhel/backup --releasever=7 --setopt=varsdir=/var/lib/convert2rhel/backup/586d3964cc0b6446dda4f39d1a35ef0e libreport-plugin-mantisbt-2.1.11-53.el7.centos.x86_64'
      WARNING - Output from the yumdownloader call:
      Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
      Loading "langpacks" plugin
      Loading "product-id" plugin
      Loading "subscription-manager" plugin
      Adding en_US.UTF-8 to language list
      Adding C to language list
      Updating Subscription Management repositories.
      Config time: 1.335
      Repository client-tools-for-rhel-7-server-rpms is listed more than once in the configuration
      Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
      https://cdn.redhat.com/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 404 - Not Found
      Trying other mirror.
      To address this issue please refer to the below wiki article 
      If above article doesn't help to resolve this issue please use https://bugs.centos.org/.
      failure: repodata/repomd.xml from rhel-7-server-rpms: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
      https://cdn.redhat.com/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 404 - Not Found
      CRITICAL - Couldn't download the libreport-plugin-mantisbt-2.1.11-53.el7.centos.x86_64 package which is needed to do a rollback of this action. Check to make sure that the CentOS Linux repositories are enabled and the package is updated to its latest version.

      Note: libreport-plugin-mantisbt is not available in RHEL 7.

            ahosek@redhat.com Adam Hosek
            mbocek@redhat.com Michal Bocek
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