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  1. RHEL Conversions
  2. RHELC-1525

Passing username/password using CLI with org/key in config is broken


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      When user has org and/or activation key set in the C2R config file and calls the convert2rhel with --password and --username on command line then it fails exits with CRITICAL error:

      /usr/bin/convert2rhel -y --serverurl subscription.rhsm.stage.redhat.com --username ***** --password ***** --pool 2c9435a18dcbf599018e0db3afc547f3 --debug
      [2024-05-03T19:31:02+0000] DEBUG - Found username in /root/.convert2rhel.ini
      [2024-05-03T19:31:02+0000] DEBUG - Found password in /root/.convert2rhel.ini
      [2024-05-03T19:31:02+0000] DEBUG - Found activation_key in /root/.convert2rhel.ini
      [2024-05-03T19:31:02+0000] DEBUG - Found org in /root/.convert2rhel.ini
      WARNING - Passing the RHSM password or activation key through the --activationkey or --password options is insecure as it leaks the values through the list of running processes. We recommend using the safer --config-file option instead.
      WARNING - You have passed the RHSM username through both the command line and the configuration file. We're going to use the command line values.
      WARNING - You have passed either the RHSM password or activation key through both the command line and the configuration file. We're going to use the command line values.
      CRITICAL - Either the --org or the --activationkey option is missing. You can't use one without the other.
      Either the --org or the --activationkey option is missing. You can't use one without the other.

            fgustavs@redhat.com Freya Gustavsson
            rhn-support-mlitwora Martin Litwora
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
