Resolution: Done-Errata
2023-R4, 2024-R1
convert2rhel fails currently when emc storage kernel modules are loaded.
[09/20/2023 23:59:10] DEBUG - Calling command 'grep ( /proc/modules' emcpdm 47855 0 - Live 0xffffffffc02d9000 (POE) emcpgpx 24016 1 emcpdm, Live 0xffffffffc01b9000 (POE) emcpmpx 363259 0 - Live 0xffffffffc0749000 (POE) emcp 1297946 9 emcpdm,emcpgpx,emcpmpx, Live 0xffffffffc0c28000 (POE) ERROR - (ERROR) TAINTED_KMODS.TAINTED_KMODS_DETECTED: Tainted kernel modules detected: emcpdm emcpgpx emcpmpx emcp Third-party components are not supported per our software support policy: https://access.redhat.com/third-party-software-support Prevent the modules from loading by following https://access.redhat.com/solutions/41278 and run convert2rhel again to continue with the conversion.
There is a kmods_to_ignore option in /usr/share/convert2rhel/configs/*.cfg but it only applies only to another check that compares the loaded modules with those available in RHEL.
We are requesting a way to allow these tainted kernel modules as this customer requires them for their storage and will use them after the conversion as well.
Acceptance criteria:
- the tainted kmod check is made an overridable inhibitor
- the leapp folks are asked if leapp has an inhibitor that would prevent a system from being upgraded - if they have, we add a warning that when overriding the check they wouldn't be able to proceed with the upgrade after the conversion
- if tainted modules are detected, the report message states that overriding the check is dangerous and they should make sure they have a system backup
- The message is improved to not scare customers who don't know what a tainted kernel is
- A link to an online document explaining what a tainted kernel is added
- we've seen quite a few people (mostly SAs) on Slack and GChat being taken by surprise what does this inhibitor means and what should they do - we need to be much clearer
- links to
RHEA-2024:128380 convert2rhel bug fix and enhancement update
RHEA-2024:128382 convert2rhel bug fix and enhancement update
Add an option to convert with tainted kernel modules - Integration tests |
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