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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-8798

Documentation regarding implementation of IMA & EVM in RHEL 8.

    • None
    • Normal
    • sst_kernel_security
    • ssg_core_kernel
    • None
    • False
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    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • If docs needed, set a value
    • None

      Description of problem:

      • Documentation regarding implementation of Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) & Extended Verification Module (EVM) in RHEL 8.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      • RHEL 8.x

      How reproducible:

      I feel that our documentation on this implementation is not as clear as it should be. The above documentation currently combines 2 different features, IMA & EVM. We need a document outlining on how to use them separately and how to validate if they are working properly or not.

      Expected results:

      • Need a document that explains how to use Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) & Extended Verification Module (EVM) separately.

      Additional info:

            coxu@redhat.com Coiby Xu
            rhn-support-abjoshi Abhijeet Joshi
            Coiby Xu Coiby Xu
            Linqing Lu Linqing Lu
            0 Vote for this issue
            12 Start watching this issue
