Resolution: Done-Errata
QE ack, Dev ack
Bug Fix
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1518121 +++
Description of problem:
When creating RAID1 with 2 legs spanning multiple disks, allocator uses one of the disks for both legs.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Affected versions: el7.2, el7.5, not checked other...
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- having 3 8GB disks /dev/sd[abc]
vgcreate vg /dev/sd[abc]
lvcreate -n t1 -L 4G vg /dev/sda
lvcreate -n t2 -L 4G vg /dev/sdb
lvcreate -n r1 -m 1 -L 6G vg
lvs -aoname,devices
Actual results:
- lvs -aoname,devices
LV Devices
r1 r1_rimage_0(0),r1_rimage_1(0)
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdc(1) <---- sdc is used for both _rimage_0...
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdb(1024)
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sda(1025)
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sdc(1023) <---- ...as well as for _rimage_1
[r1_rmeta_0] /dev/sdc(0)
[r1_rmeta_1] /dev/sda(1024)
t1 /dev/sda(0)
t2 /dev/sdb(0)
Expected results:
Additional info:
— Additional comment from Marian Csontos on 2017-11-28 12:53:58 UTC —
In case of failure such device can not be repaired:
- lvconvert --repair vg/r1
WARNING: Disabling lvmetad cache for repair command.
WARNING: Not using lvmetad because of repair.
/dev/vg/r1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 6442385408: Input/output error
/dev/vg/r1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 6442442752: Input/output error
Couldn't find device with uuid UFK7K0-nGPE-76Rq-F5WC-xGig-UzXP-MnFuDz.
Attempt to replace failed RAID images (requires full device resync)? [y/n]: y
Unable to replace all PVs from vg/r1 at once.
Failed to replace faulty devices in vg/r1.
TODO: Test with devices in sync.
Workaround: `lvcreate -n r1 -m 1 -L 6G vg /dev/sd[cab]`
— Additional comment from Marian Csontos on 2017-11-28 14:23:30 UTC —
Waited for sync. 100% in sync unable to repair. Also it is possible to read only first 4 GBs, reading from the second segment fails.
Read from first segment:
- dd if=/dev/vg/r1 of=/dev/null skip=4000 count=1 bs=1M
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.00195199 s, 537 MB/s
Read from second segment fails:
- dd if=/dev/vg/r1 of=/dev/null skip=5000 count=1 bs=1M
dd: error reading ‘/dev/vg/r1’: Input/output error
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0.00201181 s, 0.0 kB/s
Surprisingly the RAID1 device sanity reports DA:
- dmsetup status
vg-r1_rmeta_1: 0 8192 linear
vg-r1_rimage_1: 0 8372224 linear
vg-r1_rimage_1: 8372224 4210688 linear
vg-t2: 0 8388608 linear
vg-r1_rmeta_0: 0 8192 linear
vg-r1_rimage_0: 0 8372224 linear
vg-r1_rimage_0: 8372224 4210688 linear
vg-t1: 0 8388608 linear
vg_stacker_OTzj-root: 0 12582912 linear
vg-r1: 0 12582912 raid raid1 2 DA 12582912/12582912 idle 0 0 -
And for reference only the segments:
- lvs --segments -aolv_name,pe_ranges,le_ranges
WARNING: Not using lvmetad because a repair command was run.
/dev/vg/r1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 6442385408: Input/output error
/dev/vg/r1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 6442442752: Input/output error
Couldn't find device with uuid jDRXQI-jGSW-BAOG-LB3h-aLhd-8fPb-kHbPZf.
LV PE Ranges LE Ranges
r1 r1_rimage_0:0-1535 r1_rimage_1:0-1535 [r1_rimage_0]:0-1535,[r1_rimage_1]:0-1535
[r1_rimage_0] [unknown]:1-1022 [unknown]:1-1022
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdb:1024-1537 /dev/sdb:1024-1537
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sda:1025-2046 /dev/sda:1025-2046
[r1_rimage_1] [unknown]:1023-1536 [unknown]:1023-1536
[r1_rmeta_0] [unknown]:0-0 [unknown]:0-0
[r1_rmeta_1] /dev/sda:1024-1024 /dev/sda:1024-1024
— Additional comment from Steve D on 2018-10-18 12:12:26 UTC —
I've just been bitten by this for second time, though I swore I specified PVs manually. 2.02.176 (-4.1ubuntu3) on Ubuntu 18.04.
I also hit a whole load of scrub errors last night - the data stored in the fs seems fine, it looks like when I extended the RAID1 LV in question, the extensions didn't get synced. Still investigating that one - may have been triggered by me trying to work around this bug.
Any thoughts / progress?
— Additional comment from Heinz Mauelshagen on 2019-09-05 11:29:03 UTC —
This behaves like allocation policy 'anywhere' was applied.
Reworking the allocator gains importance!
Creating with 'cling' allocation policy avoids the problem with existing t[12] LVs allocated on sd[ab] and free sdc:
- lvcreate -y -nr1 -l251 -m1 vg
Logical volume "r1" created.
- lvs --noh -aoname,segperanges vg
r1 r1_rimage_0:0-250 r1_rimage_1:0-250
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdc:1-126 <---
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdb:128-252
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sda:129-254
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sdc:127-251 <--- bogus collocation with rimage_0
[r1_rmeta_0] /dev/sdc:0-0
[r1_rmeta_1] /dev/sda:128-128
t1 /dev/sda:0-127
t2 /dev/sdb:0-127
- lvremove -y vg/r1
Logical volume "r1" successfully removed
- lvcreate -y --alloc cling -nr1 -l100%FREE -m1 vg # could alternatively give the extent count, same result
Logical volume "r1" created.
- lvs --noh -aoname,segperanges vg
r1 r1_rimage_0:0-125 r1_rimage_1:0-125
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdc:1-126
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sda:129-254
[r1_rmeta_0] /dev/sdc:0-0
[r1_rmeta_1] /dev/sda:128-128
t1 /dev/sda:0-127
t2 /dev/sdb:0-127
- lvextend -l+1 vg/r1
Extending 2 mirror images.
Insufficient suitable allocatable extents for logical volume r1: 2 more required
Now alloc_anywhere is needed to make use of the existing space and listing sdc, sdb in that
sequence (sdb, sdc does not work) to avoid collocation:
- lvextend -l+1 vg/r1
Extending 2 mirror images.
Insufficient suitable allocatable extents for logical volume r1: 2 more required
- lvextend -y --alloc anywhere -l+1 vg/r1
Extending 2 mirror images.
Size of logical volume vg/r1 changed from 504.00 MiB (126 extents) to 508.00 MiB (127 extents).
Logical volume vg/r1 successfully resized.
- lvs --noh -aoname,segperanges vg
r1 r1_rimage_0:0-126 r1_rimage_1:0-126
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdc:1-126 <---
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdb:128-128
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sda:129-254
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sdc:127-127 <--- Bogus collocation again
[r1_rmeta_0] /dev/sdc:0-0
[r1_rmeta_1] /dev/sda:128-128
t1 /dev/sda:0-127
In this case, reducing the raid1 in size or pvmove'ing the collocated extents off to another unrelated PV are options.
- lvreduce -fy -l-1 vg/r1 WARNING: Reducing active logical volume to 504.00 MiB.
THIS MAY DESTROY YOUR DATA (filesystem etc.)
Size of logical volume vg/r1 changed from 508.00 MiB (127 extents) to 504.00 MiB (126 extents).
Logical volume vg/r1 successfully resized.
- lvextend -y -l+1 --alloc anywhere vg/r1 /dev/sdc /dev/sdb
Extending 2 mirror images.
Size of logical volume vg/r1 changed from 504.00 MiB (126 extents) to 508.00 MiB (127 extents).
Logical volume vg/r1 successfully resized.
- lvs --noh -aoname,segperanges vg
r1 r1_rimage_0:0-126 r1_rimage_1:0-126
[r1_rimage_0] /dev/sdc:1-127
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sda:129-254
[r1_rimage_1] /dev/sdb:128-128
[r1_rmeta_0] /dev/sdc:0-0
[r1_rmeta_1] /dev/sda:128-128
t1 /dev/sda:0-127
t2 /dev/sdb:0-127
— Additional comment from Heinz Mauelshagen on 2023-05-10 16:36:36 UTC —
Fixed in commit 05c2b10c5d0a99993430ffbcef684a099ba810ad
- account is impacted by
RHEL-8377 raid extension causes 'Internal error: Unreleased memory pool(s) found' when executed on altered sized PVs
- Closed
- external trackers
- links to
RHBA-2024:128184 lvm2 update
- mentioned on