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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-7588

Integrate PAM for user authentication and group membership in pacemaker ACLs

    • Low
    • rhel-sst-high-availability
    • 5
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Enhancement
    • Hide
      Feature, enhancement (describe the feature or enhancement from the user’s point of view):
      Reason (why has the feature or enhancement been implemented):
      Result (what is the current user experience):
      Feature, enhancement (describe the feature or enhancement from the user’s point of view): Reason (why has the feature or enhancement been implemented): Result (what is the current user experience):
    • None

      ---++ Description of problem

      unable to use PAM groups to define Access Control Lists in pacemaker

      ---++ Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable)


      ---++ How reproducible


      ---++ Steps to Reproduce

      1. create a group
        groupadd rogrou
      2. create a user
        useradd -G haclient,rogroup rouser
      3. verify
        id rouser
      4. uid=4101(rouser) gid=4101(rouser)
      5. groups=4101(rouser),189(haclient),10001(rogroup)
      1. enable acl
        pcs acl enable
      2. define role
        pcs acl role create readonly read xpath /cib
      3. add group
        pcs acl group create rogroup readonly
      4. verify
        pcs acl
      1. ACLs are enabled
      2. Group: rogroup
      3. Roles: readonly
      4. Role: readonly
      5. Permission: read xpath /cib (readonly-read)

      ---++ Actual results

      [rouser@nodea ~]$ pcs resource
      Error: unable to get resource list from crm_resource
      Error performing operation: Permission denied

      ---++ Expected results

      resource status shown.

      ---++ Notes

      Directly assigning roles to the user works (pcs acl user create rouser readonly), but groups should be used as multiple users need the same permissions.

              rhn-support-clumens Christopher Lumens
              c.handel@gsi.de Christoph Handel (Inactive)
              Kenneth Gaillot Kenneth Gaillot
              Cluster QE Cluster QE
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
