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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-7479

[v2v] For conversion host VM, UCI based, VM migration from vSphere 6.5 is much slower for VDDK 6.7.1

    • virt-v2v-1.42.0-3.module+el8.3.0+6497+b190d2a5
    • Normal
    • sst_virtualization
    • ssg_virtualization
    • None
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • If docs needed, set a value
    • None

      Description of problem:
      when using a conversion host VM, based on downstream UCI image (RHEL8.1 based):
      VM v2v migration from vSphare 6.5 (storage: ISCSI) to RHV 4.3.7 (storage: FCP) is much slower, specifically, when using VDDK 6.7.1.

      For example, VM with 100GB, 66% usage, it took 40 minutes to migrate, when using VDDK 6.7.1,
      while it took 14 minutes, when using VDDK 6.5.2.

      For VDDK 6.5.2,
      v2v log contain this line:
      "nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: can_extents: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks == NULL, probably this is VDDK < 6.7"

      For VDDK 6.7.1,
      The above line is not mentioned in the v2v.log,
      instead there are a lot of messages like this one:
      nbdkit: python[1]: debug: can_extents
      nbdkit: python[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: flags: export 0xcd
      nbdkit: python[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: NBD_OPT_GO: ignoring NBD_INFO_* request 3 (unknown)
      nbdkit: python[1]: debug: handshake complete, processing requests serially
      nbdkit: vddk[3]: debug: extents count=196608 offset=851968 req_one=1
      nbdkit: vddk[3]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 1664 sectors, 384 sectors, 128 sectors)
      nbdkit: vddk[3]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks.
      nbdkit: vddk[3]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list)

      When using a RHV physical RHEL 7.7 host, as a conversion host,
      VM v2v migration from vSphare 6.5 (storage: ISCSI) to RHV 4.3.7 (storage: FCP) took 16 minutes, when using VDDK 6.7.1.
      That is, the slow VM migration was not seen on this case.

      Additional info:
      According to this VMware doc, VDDK 6.7.1 has backwards support for vSphere 6.5 and 6.0:

      Also slowness is mentioned in this doc, under title:
      "NBD transport in VDDK 6.7 is slow when running against vSphere 6.5.",
      however it is stated as resolved for VDDK 6.7.1.

            rhn-eng-rjones Richard Jones
            istein@redhat.com Ilanit Stein
            Richard Jones Richard Jones
            Ming Xie Ming Xie
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
