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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-7285

cloud-init's use of HWADDR in ifcfg-eth0 causes systemd-udev error changing net interface name for Accelerated Network in Azure

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • rhel-8.8.0
    • cloud-init
    • Major
    • sst_virtualization_cloud
    • ssg_virtualization
    • 5
    • QE ack
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • If docs needed, set a value
    • None

      Description of problem:
      Accelerated Network in Azure produces hv_netvsc adapter and mlx VF adapter with the same MAC address. The azure cloud-init produces ifcfg for the hv_netvsc with HWADDR. When systemd-udev runs it generates a rename error trying to name the mlx device the same name as assigned to the hv_netvsc device.

      The goal of this bug is to find out what is needed to make system-udevd accomodate the accelerated networking in Azure where hv_netvsc and mlx interfaces have the same MAC address. So far I can not see a solution that would stop systemd-udev from trying to name the mlx adapter based on what is in ifcfg-* with it's HWADDR even when there are MATCH's to exclude the mlx adapter.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:
      Create azure VM with accelerated network adapter and reboot after the install,then find errors like:

      Jul 17 21:55:21 novo-rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: Error changing net interface name 'eth0' to 'net0': File exists

      Steps to Reproduce:

      Make Azure VM with:


      { "communityGalleryImageId": null, "exactVersion": "8.7.2023022801", "id": null, "offer": "RHEL", "publisher": "RedHat", "sharedGalleryImageId": null, "sku": "87-gen2", "version": "latest" }


      VM using Standard_D2s_v3

      $ az network nic show -g (username's-rg) --name rhel8-test779 --query "enableAcceleratedNetworking"

      Deploy then reboot after the deployment so that the system boots with the ifcfg-eth0 added by cloud-init.

      Actual results:

      RHEL VM should have

      • accelerated networking
      • name hv_netvsc device eth0
      • name the mlx device enP*
      • not assign an ip address to the mlx device
      • properly linked the mlx and hv_netvsc (master eth0 for enP* device)


      1. ip a
        2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 60:45:bd:eb:12:ad brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet brd scope global noprefixroute eth0
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 fe80::6245:bdff:feeb:12ad/64 scope link
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        3: enP28653s1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master eth0 state UP group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 60:45:bd:eb:12:ad brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        altname enP28653p0s2
      1. ethtool -i eth0 |head -2
        driver: hv_netvsc
        version: 4.18.0-425.13.1.el8_7.x86_64

      After the reboot, /var/log/messages contains:

      Jul 15 15:04:04 test systemd-udevd[823]: Error changing net interface name 'enP65246s1' to 'eth0': File exists
      Jul 15 15:04:04 test systemd-udevd[823]: could not rename interface '3' from 'enP65246s1' to 'eth0': File exists

      WHAT CAN BE ADDED TO CONFIGURATION TO STOP system-udev FROM TRYING TO NAME THE mlx ADAPTER BASED ON HWADDR IN /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*?

      Expected results:

      No error.

      Additional info:

      I also tried adding the following to ifcfg while changing from using eth0 name for the hv_netvsc device:


      Here is how I did that since the Azure instance's cloud-init overwrites any changes to ifcfg-eth0:

      After cloud-init was run to put it's ifcfg-eth0 in place, I did:

      rpm -e cloud-init
      dracut -f -o "network network-manager ifcfg"
      renamed eth0 to net0, to avoid conflicts clouded by the site of eth* naming.
      added the MATCH_PATH and MATCH_DRIVER options to ifcfg-net0.

      systemd-udev still produces rename error.

      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: PROGRAM '/lib/udev/rename_device' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-net.rules:1
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: '/lib/udev/rename_device'(out) 'net0'
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: Process '/lib/udev/rename_device' succeeded.
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: NAME 'net0' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-net.rules:1
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: IMPORT builtin 'net_id' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/75-net-description.rules:6
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: Using default interface naming scheme 'rhel-8.0'.
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: IMPORT builtin 'hwdb' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/75-net-description.rules:12
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: IMPORT builtin 'path_id' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules:5
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: IMPORT builtin 'net_setup_link' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules:9
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: Config file /usr/lib/systemd/network/99-default.link applies to device eth0
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: link_config: autonegotiation is unset or enabled, the speed and duplex are not writable.
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: RUN '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl --prefix=/net/ipv4/conf/$name --prefix=/net/ipv4/neigh/$name --prefix=/net/ipv6/conf/$name --prefix=/net/ipv6/neigh/$name' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules:60
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: Error changing net interface name 'eth0' to 'net0': File exists
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: could not rename interface '3' from 'eth0' to 'net0': File exists
      Jul 17 21:55:21 rhel8-new systemd-udevd[623]: Process '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl --prefix=/net/ipv4/conf/net0 --prefix=/net/ipv4/neigh/net0 --prefix=/net/ipv6/conf/net0 --prefix=/net/ipv6/neigh/net0' succeeded.


      $ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-net0
      $ nmcli con show
      System net0 33e2dfe5-649b-21d9-4fc5-2feaad011ccc ethernet net0
      $ nmcli con show 33e2dfe5-649b-21d9-4fc5-2feaad011ccc | grep match
      match.interface-name: –
      match.kernel-command-line: –
      match.driver: hv_netvsc
      match.path: !-pci
      $ ip a show
      2: net0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
      link/ether 00:0d:3a:9b:bb:95 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
      inet brd scope global noprefixroute net0
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      inet6 fe80::20d:3aff:fe9b:bb95/64 scope link 
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master net0 state UP group default qlen 1000
      link/ether 00:0d:3a:9b:bb:95 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
      altname enP29499p0s2
      $ ethtool -i net0 | grep driver
      driver: hv_netvsc
      $ ethtool -i eth0 | grep driver
      driver: mlx5_core
      $ sudo udevadm info --export-db | grep -i -e driver -e "DEVPATH.*eth0" -e "DEVPATH.*net0" -e "ID_PATH" | grep -A 2 DEVPATH
      calling: info
      E: DEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/ACPI0004:00/VMBUS:00/000d3a9b-bb95-000d-3a9b-bb95000d3a9b/net/net0
      E: ID_NET_DRIVER=hv_netvsc
      E: ID_PATH=acpi-VMBUS:00
      E: DEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/ACPI0004:00/VMBUS:00/7cb93933-733b-443c-932a-9473684376c8/pci733b:00/733b:00:02.0/net/eth0
      E: ID_NET_DRIVER=mlx5_core
      E: ID_PATH=acpi-VMBUS:00-pci-733b:00:02.0


            rh-ee-anisinha Ani Sinha
            rhn-support-cutaylor Curtis Taylor
            Microsoft Confidential Group
            virt-maint virt-maint
            Huijuan Zhao Huijuan Zhao
            0 Vote for this issue
            20 Start watching this issue
