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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-65250

When using namespaces, integrated configs for frr fail to write.

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • rhel-8.8.0, rhel-8.9.0, rhel-8.10
    • frr
    • No
    • Moderate
    • rhel-sst-cs-net-perf-services
    • ssg_core_services
    • 2
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      What were you trying to do that didn't work?

      frr appears to not be able to write an integrated config when it is started in a namespace. This does not appear to occur when using it outside of one.

      What is the impact of this issue to you?

      Configurations cannot be written for the app if used in a namespace.

      Please provide the package NVR for which the bug is seen:


      How reproducible is this bug?:

      Consistent if used in namespace. Does not occur outside of it.

      Steps to reproduce

      After installing frr:

      1. Create directory for namespace in /etc/frr/ (example: TEST)
      2. After moving into created directory, copy daemons and vtysh.conf from parent directory over into new directory.
      3. Create frr.conf file using touch.
      4. chown directory and it's file contents for frr:frr.
      5. enable ospfd in 'daemons' file, in addition to adding '–netns'.
      6. Remove the 'no' in the 'service integrated-vtysh-config' line in vtysh.conf
      7. Start FRR and vtysh in namespace. In my testing, the following was used:

      ip netns exec ROUTER /usr/libexec/frr/frrinit.sh start ROUTER
      ip netns exec ROUTER vtysh -N ROUTER or vtysh -N ROUTER
             8. Once in shell instance, run wr mem and observe behavior.

      NOTE: A namespace (such as one called ROUTER) would need to be created FIRST before FRR can be started in that namespace (ip netns exec ROUTER /usr/libexec/frr/frrinit.sh start ROUTER) and then vtysh started in the namespace (ip netns exec ROUTER vtysh -N ROUTER). The namespace directory within /etc/frr should also be created with the same name as the namespace.

      Expected results

      Integrated configuration writes successfully when done in namespace.

      Actual results

      Error is outputted when attempting to write integrated configuration in namespace.

              mruprich@redhat.com Michal Ruprich
              brclark@redhat.com Brandon Clark
              Michal Ruprich Michal Ruprich
              Frantisek Hrdina Frantisek Hrdina
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
