Resolution: Unresolved
Dev ack
Release Note Not Required
This bug has not made it into a release
What were you trying to do that didn't work?
Use crm_resource to edit meta attributes of a group element inside a master element.
What is the impact of this issue to you?
crm_resource is unable to modify specific parts of CIB. Consequently, 'pcs resource delete' command stops working, as it is utilizing crm_resource to modify CIB.
Please provide the package NVR for which the bug is seen:
How reproducible is this bug?:
always, easily
Steps to reproduce
- Have a CIB with the following preamble:
<cib crm_feature_set="3.19.7" validate-with="pacemaker-3.9">
- Put the following resource into CIB:
<master id="gr-clone"> <group id="gr"> <primitive id="d5" class="ocf" type="Dummy" provider="pacemaker"> <operations> <op name="monitor" interval="10s" timeout="20s" id="d5-monitor-interval-10s"/> </operations> </primitive> </group> </master>
- Try to set meta attributes for 'gr' resource:
crm_resource --resource gr --meta --set-parameter target-role --parameter-value Stopped
Expected results
meta attributes are set
Actual results
The command end with an error and meta attributes are not set:
Performing update of 'target-role' on 'gr-clone', the parent of 'gr' crm_resource: Error performing operation: No such object
When run in verbose mode, we can see that CIB has been migrated to a new schema version, which no longer supports master elements:
# crm_resource --resource gr --meta --set-parameter target-role --parameter-value Stopped -VVVVV (crm_log_args) notice: Invoked: crm_resource --resource gr --meta --set-parameter target-role --parameter-value Stopped -VVVVV (qb_rb_open_2) debug: shm size:524301; real_size:528384; rb->word_size:132096 (qb_rb_open_2) debug: shm size:524301; real_size:528384; rb->word_size:132096 (qb_rb_open_2) debug: shm size:524301; real_size:528384; rb->word_size:132096 (cib_native_signon) info: Successfully connected to CIB manager for crm_resource (validate_with_relaxng) debug: Creating RNG parser context (pcmk__update_schema) debug: Schema pacemaker-3.9 validates (validate_with_relaxng) debug: Creating RNG parser context (pcmk__update_schema) debug: Schema pacemaker-3.10 validates (validate_with_relaxng) debug: Creating RNG parser context (apply_upgrade) debug: Upgrading schema from pacemaker-3.10 to pacemaker-4.0: applying XSL transform upgrade-3.10-0.xsl (apply_upgrade) debug: Upgrading schema from pacemaker-3.10 to pacemaker-4.0: applying XSL transform upgrade-3.10-1.xsl (apply_upgrade) debug: Upgrading schema from pacemaker-3.10 to pacemaker-4.0: applying XSL transform upgrade-3.10-2.xsl (apply_upgrade) debug: Upgrading schema from pacemaker-3.10 to pacemaker-4.0: applying XSL transform upgrade-3.10-3.xsl (apply_upgrade) debug: Upgrading schema from pacemaker-3.10 to pacemaker-4.0: applying XSL transform upgrade-3.10-99.xsl (apply_upgrade) info: Schema upgrade from pacemaker-3.10 to pacemaker-4.0 succeeded (pcmk__update_schema) debug: Schema pacemaker-4.0 validates (pcmk__update_schema) info: Transformed the configuration schema to pacemaker-4.0 (unpack_config) debug: Default fencing action timeout: 1m (unpack_config) debug: STONITH of failed nodes is enabled (unpack_config) debug: Concurrent fencing is enabled (unpack_config) debug: Stop all active resources: false (unpack_config) debug: Cluster is symmetric - resources can run anywhere by default (unpack_config) debug: On loss of quorum: Stop ALL resources (determine_online_status_fencing) info: rh100b-node1 is active (determine_online_status) info: rh100b-node1 is online (unpack_find_resource) debug: Internally renamed d5 on rh100b-node1 to d5:0 Performing update of 'target-role' on 'gr-clone', the parent of 'gr' (update_attribute) debug: Update <clone id="gr-clone"> (update_attribute) debug: Update <meta_attributes id="gr-clone-meta_attributes"> (update_attribute) debug: Update <nvpair id="gr-clone-meta_attributes-target-role" name="target-role" value="Stopped"/> (update_attribute) debug: Update </meta_attributes> (update_attribute) debug: Update </clone> (cib_native_perform_op_delegate) warning: Call failed: No such device or address crm_resource: Error performing operation: No such object (cib_native_signoff) debug: Disconnecting from the CIB manager (qb_ipcc_disconnect) debug: qb_ipcc_disconnect() (qb_rb_close_helper) debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-855-60079-13-X3tzSe/qb-request-cib_rw-header (qb_rb_close_helper) debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-855-60079-13-X3tzSe/qb-response-cib_rw-header (qb_rb_close_helper) debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-855-60079-13-X3tzSe/qb-event-cib_rw-header (crm_exit) info: Exiting crm_resource | with status 105
- links to
RHBA-2024:141766 pacemaker bug fix and enhancement update