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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-58900

Remove generated html content from llvm-doc subpackage [rhel-10]

    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • rhel-10.0
    • None
    • llvm
    • None
    • llvm-19.1.7-1.el10
    • None
    • 1
    • rhel-sst-pt-llvm-rust-go
    • ssg_platform_tools
    • 1
    • False
    • Hide


    • Yes
    • PT LLVMRustGo 2025 S01
    • Enhancement
    • Hide
      .The `llvm-doc` package now contains only a reference to the upstream documentation.

      In previous versions, the `llvm-doc` package contained the LLVM documentation in HTML format. With this update, the package provides only the `/usr/share/doc/llvm/html/index.html` file which contains a reference to the upstream documentation.
      .The `llvm-doc` package now contains only a reference to the upstream documentation. In previous versions, the `llvm-doc` package contained the LLVM documentation in HTML format. With this update, the package provides only the `/usr/share/doc/llvm/html/index.html` file which contains a reference to the upstream documentation.
    • Done
    • None

      If possible, we should remove the llvm-doc component, and only ship manpages (which are part of the main llvm package), but not HTML docs. The LLVM HTML documentation is available online, and I believe it is very unlikely that anybody is using the packaged documentation.

      Building the documentation has some overhead:

      • We carry a RHEL-only cmake patch to remove the myst_parser dependency.
      • The big-merge branch carries a patch to allow not building the lldb docs while still building llvm docs. It also does various after-the-fact cleanup to remove other built documentation (clang, lld).
      • RHEL 8 converts markdown to rst using pandoc. This is not done on RHEL 9 / 10, and I'm not sure why, because I'd expect it to be necessary there as well. It's possible that building the markdown pages just doesn't work there.

      It would be ideal if we could drop the llvm-doc subpackage (marked obsoleted by the main package) in all RHEL versions.


      DECISION: We keep the llvm-doc package, but replace its contents with a single html file pointing to upstream documentation.

        1. rhel8.png
          541 kB
        2. rhel9.png
          487 kB

              npopov@redhat.com Nikita Popov
              npopov@redhat.com Nikita Popov
              Thomas Stellard Thomas Stellard
              Jesus Checa Hidalgo Jesus Checa Hidalgo
              Marc Muehlfeld Marc Muehlfeld
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
