• Yes
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    • rhel-sst-network-management
    • ssg_networking
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      Given a system administrator is configuring a system with many interfaces (with LLDP enabled) and the nmstatectl tool is available,

      When they run the command `nmstatectl show`,

      Then the nmstatectl show command should complete without delays or hanging. Specifically, the command should not get stuck for an extended period (e.g., 2 minutes).

      Definition of Done:

      • The implementation meets the acceptance criteria
      • Integration tests are written and pass
      • The code is part of a downstream build attached to an errata
      Given a system administrator is configuring a system with many interfaces (with LLDP enabled) and the nmstatectl tool is available, When they run the command `nmstatectl show`, Then the nmstatectl show command should complete without delays or hanging. Specifically, the command should not get stuck for an extended period (e.g., 2 minutes). Definition of Done: The implementation meets the acceptance criteria Integration tests are written and pass The code is part of a downstream build attached to an errata
    • None
    • None
    • None

      What were you trying to do that didn't work?

      Set up many intefaces with lldp enabled, then run `nmstatectl show > somefile` or `nmstatectl show | grep something`, the command has 50% chance to stuck for about 2 minutes.

      I tried many times, it seems only reproducible when using redirect (>) or pipeline (|), I never reproduce if only simply run `nmstatectl show`.

      What is the impact of this issue to you?

      The command is very slow

      Please provide the package NVR for which the bug is seen:



      How reproducible is this bug?:

      About 50%

      Steps to reproduce

      Use the reproducer.sh in the attachment

      Expected results

      Actual results

      Checking the timestamps of one run (same with the reproducer.sh):

      ++ sleep 10
      ++ nmstatectl show
      [2024-09-10T12:50:04Z INFO  nmstatectl] Nmstate version: 2.2.35
      ++ grep --color=auto abcdef
      ++ nmstatectl show
      [2024-09-10T12:51:54Z INFO  nmstatectl] Nmstate version: 2.2.35
      ++ nmstatectl show -r
      ++ grep --color=auto abcdef
      [2024-09-10T12:53:38Z INFO  nmstatectl] Nmstate version: 2.2.35
      ++ systemctl stop lldpd
      ++ nmstatectl apply
      ++ sed 's/state: up/state: absent/g' all_ifaces.yml
      [2024-09-10T12:55:23Z INFO  nmstatectl] Nmstate version: 2.2.35
      [2024-09-10T12:58:27Z INFO  nmstate::iface] Interface g0patch1 cannot live without controller, marking as absent as it has been detached from its original controller g0ovsbr1
      [2024-09-10T12:58:27Z INFO  nmstate::iface] Interface g0ovs1 cannot live without controller, marking as absent as it has been detached from its original controller g0ovsbr0
      [2024-09-10T12:58:27Z INFO  nmstate::iface] Interface g0ovs0 cannot live without controller, marking as absent as it has been detached from its original controller g0ovsbr0
      [2024-09-10T12:58:27Z INFO  nmstate::iface] Interface g0patch0 cannot live without controller, marking as absent as it has been detached from its original controller g0ovsbr0
      NmstateError: InvalidArgument: The next hop interface of desired Route 'destination: next-hop-interface: g0bond0 next-hop-address: table-id: 100' has been marked as absent
      ++ nmstatectl apply
      ++ sed 's/state: up/state: absent/g' all_ifaces_peer.yml
      [2024-09-10T12:58:27Z INFO  nmstatectl] Nmstate version: 2.2.35


        1. debug.log
          1.03 MB
        2. reproducer.sh
          13 kB

              rh-ee-sfaye Stanislas Faye
              rh-ee-mshi1 Mingyu Shi
              Network Management Team Network Management Team
              Mingyu Shi Mingyu Shi
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
