New major version 9.20 includes improved support for working with provider based keys, which is needed for PKCS11 backend used by freeipa-server-dns. It deprecates few things and uses new event loop internally. That requires significant rework of bind-dyndb-ldap package.
Release notes:
- Deprecated features:
- Removed features:
- Feature changes:
Notewothy changes:
- Zone transfers are no longer allowed by default
- DNS over TLS is supported also with forwarding queries further.
- blocks
RHEL-33729 Please stop using OpenSSL ENGINE API in bind
- In Progress
RHEL-30556 Package bind-dyndb-ldap: remove dependency on package openssl-pkcs11
- Release Pending
- incorporates
RHEL-48798 Rebase bind to 9.18.33
- Release Pending
- relates to
RHEL-6459 [RFE] Support for forwarding queries over encrypted channel (DoT)
- Closed