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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-4777

[initial-setup] RHEL 8.9 Tier 0 Localization

    • None
    • None
    • rhel-sst-installer
    • ssg_front_door
    • None
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • If docs needed, set a value
    • None

      RHEL 8.9 Localization placeholder ticket


      String freeze: 2023-08-28

      Software localization: from 2023-08-28 through 2023-09-25

      l10n QA: 2023-10-02 through 2023-10-06

      Supported languages (if not specified otherwise by RHEL PM): Japanese, Chinese simplified, Korean

      Before String Freeze date:

      • evaluate possible string changes in supported languages in order to plan your work accordingly.
      • if no product UI string changes are expected, or the this localization bug is the only bug requiring errata, this ticket may be deferred to the next product release or closed.

      On String Freeze date:

      • push your latest RHEL 8 strings to the specific rhel 8 branch in upstream weblate.
      • the amount of translated strings will be checked for the supported languages.
      • all untranslated/marked for Translation strings in those languages are going to be localized and you'll receive a localization patch or they will be uploaded to Weblate.
      • in case no untranslated strings are detected in concerned languages or no internal or other localization work out of scope and policy of Red Hat Localization team happened, this placeholder ticket may be closed.


      • during translation work, the placeholder BZ will be assigned to the l10n PgM or respective Translator.
      • post translation and commit, the placeholder BZ should be assigned to respective package maintainer(developer) with a note marking end of translation work and a request to rebuild the package to include latest translated strings.
      • after your package is rebuilt with the localization patch, the ticket moves to ON_QA and the i18n QE and l10n QA will follow to check sanity and coherency of translated strings.

      Expected results:
      100% translated strings in ja, zh-cn and ko (human translation) at the end of the localization phase

      (+ other languages only if explicitly requested by RHEL PM)

              mkolman@redhat.com Martin Kolman
              ljanda@redhat.com Ludek Janda (Inactive)
              Bhushan Barve Bhushan Barve
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
