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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-47350

PostgresQL pg_basebackup feature request: compression with zstd and lz4

    • postgresql-15.8-2.el9
    • sst_cs_apps
    • ssg_core_services
    • 28
    • 3
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • None
    • None

      • Proposed title of this feature request
        Add builtin compression (zstd and lz4) to pg_basebackup binary (PosgtresQL)


      • What is the nature and description of the request?
        Add the builtin compression algorithms (zstd and lz4) to the pg_basebackup binary as provided by the PostgesQL project's official RHEL Packages.


      • Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
        Significantly shortens the compressed backup time and significantly reduces the size with pg_basebackup. 


      • How would the customer like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements here)

                 Using the builtin compression (zstd) of the pg_basebackup binary.


      • For each functional requirement listed, specify how Red Hat and the customer can test to confirm the requirement is successfully implemented.

                 With PostgresQL installed from the Official RedHat Repositories try to backup an initialized database with: 
      sudo -u postgres pg_basebackup -D /tmp/pgbackup -v -Z zstd -F tar


      • Is there already an existing RFE upstream or in Red Hat Bugzilla?


      • Does the customer have any specific timeline dependencies and which release would they like to target (i.e. RHEL5, RHEL6)?
        RHEL8 and RHEL9



      • List any affected packages or components.
        postgresql-server packages
        i.e. postgresql-server-15.6-1.module+el8.9.0+21287+d0eecfe6.x86_64


      • Would the customer be able to assist in testing this functionality if implemented?


            fjanus@redhat.com Filip Janus
            rhn-support-apmukher Apurbita Mukherjee
            Filip Janus Filip Janus
            Vaclav Danek Vaclav Danek
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
