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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-4604

When building a RHEL ISO, "Kickstart is insufficient"

    • None
    • Important
    • rhel-sst-image-builder
    • ssg_front_door
    • None
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • If docs needed, set a value
    • None

      Description of problem:
      Using Image Builder to generate an ISO leads to a "Kickstart is insufficient" message in the GUI.

      It seems the installation_device directive (mentioned only in the Edge section of the doc) does not work.
      The user has been added to the KS, locale (TZ, lang, KB) has been included directly in the tarball, but the FS customizations are not taken into account.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Use a blueprint with below customization settings
      hostname = "golden-image-rhel86"
      installation_device = "/dev/sda"

      name = "postinstall"
      description = "postinstall"
      password = "redhat01"
      groups = ["wheel"]
      timezone = "Europe/Brussels"
      languages = ["en_US.UTF-8"]
      keyboard = "be-latin1"
      ports = ["22:tcp"]
      enabled = ["sshd"]

      mountpoint = "/"
      size = 8589934592

      mountpoint = "/var"
      size = 5368709120

      2. Generate an ISO

      1. composer-cli compose start rhel86-iso image-installer

      3. Install the ISO (s/sda/vda/ if running in qemu-kvm)

      Actual results:
      "Kickstart is insufficient" in the GUI (under the disk section).

      osbuild.ks content:

      liveimg --url file:///run/install/repo/liveimg.tar
      user --name postinstall --password $6$GX1QdzFs13w5V22o$srZjjJSNsli38t1Fs92FOBqOvMCqCFtFPRGTk8aT4O73vcVIL8J2MtyCKfhLKKsEZjCtEMnnAbTEC5LAkgbzN0 --iscrypted --groups wheel # notsecret

      Expected results:
      Take into account all the customizations or warn if it is not taken into account for a given image type.

      Additional info:

              osbuilders Osbuilders Bot Account
              rhn-support-cbesson Christophe Besson
              Osbuilders Bot Account Osbuilders Bot Account
              RH Bugzilla Integration RH Bugzilla Integration
              0 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue
