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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-41199

machine ID is created after running insights-client without insights registration

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Can't Do
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • rhel-9.5
    • insights-client
    • sst_csi_client_tools
    • None
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Description of Problem:

      machine ID is created after running insights-client without insights registration

      Please provide the package NVR for which bug is seen:

      [root@ibm-p9z-23-lp3 integration-tests]# insights-client --version

      Client: 3.2.2

      Core: 3.3.26-1

      How reproducible


      Is this a regression issue:

      ( Yes/No) 

      Steps to Reproduce

      • [Step 1] Register RHEL-9.5.0-20240519.9_ppc64le against Satellite
      • [Step 2] Run insights-client --unregister, and check the machine id:

      [root@ibm-p9z-23-lp3 integration-tests]# insights-client --unregister

      Successfully unregistered from the Red Hat Insights Service


      [root@ibm-p9z-23-lp3 integration-tests]# cat /etc/insights-client/machine-id

      cat: /etc/insights-client/machine-id: No such file or directory

      • [Step 3] Run insights-client, and check the machine id:

      [root@ibm-p9z-23-lp3 integration-tests]# insights-client

      This machine has not yet been registered. Use --register to register this machine.

      [root@ibm-p9z-23-lp3 integration-tests]# cat /etc/insights-client/machine-id



      [Step 4] Run insights-client --register, and check the machine id:

      [root@ibm-p9z-23-lp3 integration-tests]# insights-client --register

      Successfully registered host ibm-p9z-23-lp3.virt.pnr.lab.eng.rdu2.redhat.com

      Automatic scheduling for Insights has been enabled.

      Starting to collect Insights data for ibm-p9z-23-lp3.virt.pnr.lab.eng.rdu2.redhat.com

      Writing RHSM facts to /etc/rhsm/facts/insights-client.facts ...

      Uploading Insights data.

      Successfully uploaded report from ibm-p9z-23-lp3.virt.pnr.lab.eng.rdu2.redhat.com to account 6089719.

      View the Red Hat Insights console at https://console.redhat.com/insights/


      [root@ibm-p9z-23-lp3 integration-tests]# cat /etc/insights-client/machine-id



      Actual Behavior

      As step 3, on a unregistered system, running "insights-client" will create a machine id.

      Expected Behavior

      machine id should exist only when system is registered to insights.

      Additional info

            csi-client-tools-bugs CSI Client Tools Bugs Bot
            qianzhan@redhat.com Qianqian Zhang
            CSI Client Tools Bugs Bot CSI Client Tools Bugs Bot
            CSI Client Tools Bugs Bot CSI Client Tools Bugs Bot
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