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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-40673

[synce4l]start synce4l fail sometimes

    • Major
    • sst_cs_infra_services
    • ssg_core_services
    • 3
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • x86_64
    • None

      What were you trying to do that didn't work?

      synce4l-1.1.0-1.el10 seems has problems.
      some cases failed in my job.

      I found the program can't start sometimes with following log:

      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] created synce1
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] device init synce1 addr 0x55e258efa8b0
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item (null).smc_socket_path is '/tmp/synce4l_socket'
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] created num_devices: 1
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.extended_tlv is 1 (0x1)
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.network_option is 1 (0x1)
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.recover_time is 60 (0x3c)
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.eec_get_state_cmd is '(null)'
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.eec_holdover_value is '(null)'
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.eec_locked_ho_value is '(null)'
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.eec_locked_value is '(null)'
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.eec_freerun_value is '(null)'
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.eec_invalid_value is '(null)'
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.module_name is 'ice'
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.clock_id is 5799633565437511660 (0x507c6fffff55c7ec)
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] synce_manager_server_thread Bind failed
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] config item synce1.dnu_prio is 15 (0xf)
      synce4l[1486.457][synce4l] dpll mon for synce1 new state: 1
      synce4l[1486.515][synce4l] rx thread exit state 3=OK port enp94s0f0np0

      step to reproduce:
      while :;do
      echo "test"
      synce4l -f GNSS_ETH.cfg &> log &
      sleep 1
      pgrep synce4l || exit
      pkill synce4l
      sleep 1

      [root@dell-per740-91 parameter]# cat GNSS_ETH.cfg
      logging_level 7
      use_syslog 0
      verbose 1
      message_tag [synce4l]

      network_option 1
      extended_tlv 1
      recover_time 60
      clock_id 5799633565437511660
      module_name ice

      tx_heartbeat_msec 1000
      rx_heartbeat_msec 50
      allowed_qls 0x3
      allowed_ext_qls 0x30



      board_label GNSS-1PPS
      input_QL 0x1
      input_ext_QL 0x20

      Please provide the package NVR for which bug is seen:

      How reproducible:

      Steps to reproduce


      Expected results

      Actual results

            rhn-support-mlichvar Miroslav Lichvar
            rhn-support-liali Liang Li
            Miroslav Lichvar Miroslav Lichvar
            Liang Li Liang Li
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
