What were you trying to do that didn't work?
I am trying to use the "bear" command (from the EPEL "bear" package) from a Red Hat Universal Base Image (RH UBI) container.
Installing the package fails due to missing dependencies in RH UBI (c-ares & protobuf).
I can recompile the packages from sources using the CentOS .spec files, but protobuf requires the emacs & emacs-filesystem packages. I would rather prefer to avoid recompiling emacs from source, because it pulls in a lot of dependencies which are also unavailable on RH UBI (e.g. X11-related libs).
Please provide the package NVR for which bug is seen:
How reproducible:
Steps to reproduce
Start an RH UBI container, e.g. `podman run -i --rm registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi`
Download the SRPM for protobuf : `curl -O https://mirror.stream.centos.org/9-stream/AppStream/source/tree/Packages/protobuf-3.14.0-13.el9.src.rpm`
Install the source RPM : `rpm i protobuf*.src.rpm`
Attempt to rebuild the package with minimal dependencies : `rpm -ba --without=java --without=python ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/protobuf.spec`
Expected results
The package should build.
Actual results
[root@6cb3eb56467c SPECS]# rpmbuild -ba --without=python --without=java protobuf.spec
warning: line 202: Possible unexpanded macro in: Requires: emacs-filesystem >= %{_emacs_version}
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1647993600
error: Failed build dependencies:
emacs is needed by protobuf-3.14.0-13.el9.x86_64