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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-40181

feat: Add new configuration options and remove false positives in the test

    • rhel-system-roles-1.79.0-0.2.el10
    • None
    • 2
    • rhel-sst-system-roles
    • 1
    • Dev ack
    • False
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    • Yes
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • System Roles Sprint 2, System Roles Sprint 3
    • Enhancement
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      .The `ssh` RHEL system role now recognizes the `ObscureKeystrokeTiming` and `ChannelTimeout` configuration options

      The `ssh` RHEL system role has been updated to reflect addition of the following configuration options in the OpenSSH utility suite:

      * `ObscureKeystrokeTiming` (yes|no|interval specifier, defaults to 20): Configures whether the `ssh` utility should obscure the inter-keystroke timings from passive observers of network traffic.

      * `ChannelTimeout`: Configures whether and how quickly the `ssh` utility should close inactive channels.

      When using the `ssh` RHEL system role, you can use the new options like in this example play:

      - name: Non-exclusive sshd configuration
         hosts: managed-node-01.example.com
           - name: Configure ssh to obscure keystroke timing and set 5m session timeout
                name: rhel-system-roles.ssh
                ssh_ObscureKeystrokeTiming: _"interval:80"_
                ssh_ChannelTimeout: _"session=5m"_
      .The `ssh` RHEL system role now recognizes the `ObscureKeystrokeTiming` and `ChannelTimeout` configuration options The `ssh` RHEL system role has been updated to reflect addition of the following configuration options in the OpenSSH utility suite: * `ObscureKeystrokeTiming` (yes|no|interval specifier, defaults to 20): Configures whether the `ssh` utility should obscure the inter-keystroke timings from passive observers of network traffic. * `ChannelTimeout`: Configures whether and how quickly the `ssh` utility should close inactive channels. When using the `ssh` RHEL system role, you can use the new options like in this example play: ---- - name: Non-exclusive sshd configuration    hosts: managed-node-01.example.com    tasks:      - name: Configure ssh to obscure keystroke timing and set 5m session timeout         ansible.builtin.include_role:           name: rhel-system-roles.ssh         vars:           ssh_ObscureKeystrokeTiming: _"interval:80"_           ssh_ChannelTimeout: _"session=5m"_ ----
    • Done
    • None

      Enhancement: Add new configuration options `ObscureKeystrokeTiming` and `ChannelTimeout`; remove false positives in the test

      Reason: New OpenSSH was released with new configuration option.

      Result: The option is recognized by the system role.

      Issue Tracker Tickets (Jira or BZ if any): -

              rmeggins@redhat.com Richard Megginson
              rmeggins@redhat.com Richard Megginson
              Richard Megginson Richard Megginson
              Jakub Haruda Jakub Haruda
              Jaroslav Klech Jaroslav Klech
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
