Resolution: Unresolved
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
What is the nature and description of the request?
- The customer would like to use the RHEL System Role `rhc` to configure the `insights-client` in their environment at scale
- The customer would like to configure the parameters in `/etc/insights-client/insights-client.conf` using the `rhc` role
Parameters to configure and manage
`loglevel=` (valid options DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Default DEBUG)`auto_config=` (Attempt to auto configure with Satellite server. Default: True)`authmethod=` (Change authentication method, valid options BASIC, CERT. Default BASIC)`username=` (username to use when authmethod is BASIC)`password=` (password to use when authmethod is BASIC)`base_url=` (Base URL for the Insights API. Default: cert-api.access.redhat.com:443/r/insights)- `obfuscate=` (obfuscate IP addresses. Default: False)
- `obfuscate_hostname=` (obfuscate hostname; requires obfuscate=True; Default: False)
- `redaction_file=` (Location of the redaction file for commands, files, and components. Default: /etc/insights-client/file-redaction.yaml)
- `content_redaction_file=` (Location of the redaction file for patterns and keywords. Default: /etc/insights-client/file-content-redaction.yaml)
- `tags_file=` (Location of the tags file for this system. Default: /etc/insights-client/tags.yaml; **tags itself are already manageable via `rhc` role)
The following parameters are already manageable via `rhc` today. They are listed here to provide a complete overview:
- `auto_update` (Automatically update the dynamic configuration. Default: True)
- `ansible_host` (Ansible hostname for this system)
- `display_name` (Display name for registration)
- `proxy=` (URL for your proxy.)
Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
- Today, the customer uses the puppet module [satellite_insights_client](https://forge.puppet.com/modules/sticks23/satellite_insights_client/readme) in Red Hat Satellite which is scheduled for deprecation
- The customer would like to switch to an Ansible role that is supported by Red Hat
- Internal compliance policies force them to obfuscate IP addresses when registering hosts to Red Hat Insights
- They might need to obfuscate hostnames as well
How would the customer like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements here)
- Using role variables like follows
1. 'rhc_obfuscate=True'; boolean (True/False); switch IP address obfuscation on and off
2. 'rhc_obfuscate_hostname=True'; boolean (True/False); switch hostname obfuscation on and off - Role variables should be used to configure all the configuration parameters in `/etc/insights-client/insights-client.conf`
For each functional requirement listed, specify how Red Hat and the customer can test to confirm the requirement is successfully implemented.
1. When a role variable for a configuration parameters in `/etc/insights-client/insights-client.conf` IS NOT SET, the current value that is present on the client should be kept.
2. When a role variable for a configuration parameters in `/etc/insights-client/insights-client.conf` IS SET, the corresponding value in `insights-client.conf` should be set accordingly.
Does the customer have any specific timeline dependencies and which release would they like to target (i.e. RHEL8, RHEL9)?
- Currently there is no specific timeline for these features
- The features should be added to the System Role `rhc` so they can be used in releases where this role is available
Is the sales team involved in this request and do they have any additional input?
- No.
List any affected packages or components.
- rhel-system-roles.noarch
- insights-client.noarch
Would the customer be able to assist in testing this functionality if implemented?
- Yes.
Additional information
rhn-support-ahuchcha advised me in support case 03795577 to raise a Jira in for 'ansible-collection-insights', but ptoscano@redhat.com told me that all bits related to the `insights_client` in that collection are to be considered as deprecated and new features are going to the RHEL system role `rhc`. That is why I used my best judgement and file this RFE here.
In case this Jira is misplaced, please move it to the correct project.