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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-34526

leapp removes libunwind when it is present in --enablerepo

    • None
    • None
    • 1
    • rhel-sst-upgrades
    • 26
    • 3
    • False
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    • None
    • Leapp: 9.8 & 10.2
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Originally reported in rhbz#2263195:

      leapp always removes libunwind, even when the user specifies --enablerepo to enable a repository with an el9 libunwind package.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Install RHEL 8
      2. Install ceph-common from our tools repository:
        subscription-manager repos --enable=rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
        dnf -y install ceph-common
      3. Ensure the ceph-common package is present. Note libunwind is also present as a dependency.
      4. Upgrade to RHEL 9, using the following command:
        leapp upgrade --enablerepo rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms --target 9.3

      Actual Results

      The resulting RHEL 9 environment removes libunwind, since it is "deprecated".

      Expected Results

      leapp does not uninstall libunwind because an el9 version is present in rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms. ceph-common remains present on the node.

      Additional Info

      I think the problem may be that leapp does not know how to translate our ceph "tools" repo from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9. For example I see this message:

      Summary: The following repositories with Red Hat-signed packages are unknown to Leapp:
      - rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
      And the following packages installed from those repositories may not be upgraded:
      - liboath
      - leveldb
      - libunwind
      - libradosstriper1
      - librbd1
      - librados2
      - python3-rbd
      - python3-rgw
      - gperftools-libs
      - libcephfs2
      - librgw2
      - ceph-common
      - python3-ceph-common
      - python3-ceph-argparse
      - python3-rados
      - python3-cephfs
      Remediation: [hint] You can file a request to add this repository to the scope of in-place upgrades by filing a support ticket

      I have no idea where to file a support ticket, though, so I'm filing this ticket now.

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              unassigned_jira Unassigned
              NEC Confidential Group
              leapp-notifications leapp-notifications
              RHEL Upgrades QE Team RHEL Upgrades QE Team
              Miriam Portman Miriam Portman
              0 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
