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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-3429

Support TLS 1.3 in FIPS mode [rhel-9, openjdk-8]

    • sst_java
    • None
    • False
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    • None

      This bug was initially created as a copy of Bug #2020290

      I am copying this bug because:

      RHEL 9 needs to be kept in sync.

      When OpenJDK runs on a FIPS-configured system, TLS 1.3 (implemented in the SunJSSE security provider) is disabled both on the server and client sides (RH1860986). The reason is that the PKCS#11 key derivation mechanism for TLS 1.3 is not supported in the SunPKCS11 security provider; and the SunJSSE code for key derivation would require to import plain secret keys into an NSS Software Token (blocked by RH1991003).

      The goal of this task is to implement a solution to re-enable TLS 1.3 on both server and client sides when OpenJDK runs in FIPS mode.

            mbalaoal Martin Balao
            rhn-engineering-ahughes Andrew Hughes
            Martin Balao Martin Balao
            David Kutalek David Kutalek
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
