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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-33956

virt-inspector and other guestfs tools cannot parse nbd+unix:///-style socket URIs

    • guestfs-tools-1.51.6-4.el9
    • Yes
    • Moderate
    • sst_virtualization
    • ssg_virtualization
    • 2
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • x86_64
    • None

      mDescription of problem:
      virt-inspector: can't  access: nbdkit unix socket with error 'No such file or directory'

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Use nbdkit file plugin access a raw image and use  virt-inspector detect the image

      # nbdkit file /home/latest-rhel9.img --filter=cow --filter=delay rdelay=200ms cow-on-read=/var/tmp --run 'time virt-inspector --format=raw -a "$uri"'  -v 
      nbdkit: debug: nbdkit 1.36.2 (nbdkit-1.36.2-1.el9)
      nbdkit: debug: TLS disabled: could not load TLS certificates
      nbdkit: debug: service mode: unix socket
      nbdkit: debug: NBD URI: nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbdkitlKvFcJ/socket
      nbdkit: debug: registering plugin /usr/lib64/nbdkit/plugins/nbdkit-file-plugin.so
      nbdkit: debug: registered plugin /usr/lib64/nbdkit/plugins/nbdkit-file-plugin.so (name file)
      nbdkit: debug: file: load
      nbdkit: debug: registering filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-delay-filter.so
      nbdkit: debug: registered filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-delay-filter.so (name delay)
      nbdkit: debug: delay: load
      nbdkit: debug: registering filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-cow-filter.so
      nbdkit: debug: registered filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-cow-filter.so (name cow)
      nbdkit: debug: cow: load
      nbdkit: debug: cow: config key=file, value=/home/latest-rhel9.img
      nbdkit: debug: delay: config key=file, value=/home/latest-rhel9.img
      nbdkit: debug: file: config key=file, value=/home/latest-rhel9.img
      nbdkit: debug: cow: config key=rdelay, value=200ms
      nbdkit: debug: delay: config key=rdelay, value=200ms
      nbdkit: debug: cow: config key=cow-on-read, value=/var/tmp
      nbdkit: debug: cow: config_complete
      nbdkit: debug: delay: config_complete
      nbdkit: debug: file: config_complete
      nbdkit: debug: using thread model: parallel
      nbdkit: debug: file: get_ready
      nbdkit: debug: delay: get_ready thread_model=3
      nbdkit: debug: cow: get_ready thread_model=3
      nbdkit: debug: cow: temporary directory for overlay: /var/tmp
      nbdkit: debug: bound to unix socket /tmp/nbdkitlKvFcJ/socket
      nbdkit: debug: forked into background (new pid = 103223)
      nbdkit: debug: file: after_fork
      nbdkit: debug: delay: after_fork
      nbdkit: debug: cow: after_fork
      virt-inspector: access: nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbdkitlKvFcJ/socket: No such file or directory
      real    0m0.028s
      user    0m0.019s
      sys    0m0.008s
      nbdkit: debug: cow: cleanup
      nbdkit: debug: delay: cleanup
      nbdkit: debug: file: cleanup
      nbdkit: debug: file: unload plugin
      nbdkit: debug: delay: unload filter
      nbdkit: debug: cow: unload filter
      # nbdkit file /home/data.img --filter=cow --filter=delay rdelay=200ms cow-on-read=/var/tmp --run 'time virt-inspector --format=raw -a "$uri"'  -v 
      nbdkit: debug: nbdkit 1.38.0 (nbdkit-1.38.0-1.el9)
      nbdkit: debug: TLS disabled: could not load TLS certificates
      nbdkit: debug: service mode: unix socket
      nbdkit: debug: NBD URI: nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbdkitJwALBA/socket
      nbdkit: debug: registering plugin /usr/lib64/nbdkit/plugins/nbdkit-file-plugin.so
      nbdkit: debug: registered plugin /usr/lib64/nbdkit/plugins/nbdkit-file-plugin.so (name file)
      nbdkit: debug: file: load
      nbdkit: debug: registering filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-delay-filter.so
      nbdkit: debug: registered filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-delay-filter.so (name delay)
      nbdkit: debug: delay: load
      nbdkit: debug: registering filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-cow-filter.so
      nbdkit: debug: registered filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-cow-filter.so (name cow)
      nbdkit: debug: cow: load
      nbdkit: debug: cow: config key=file, value=/home/data.img
      nbdkit: debug: delay: config key=file, value=/home/data.img
      nbdkit: debug: file: config key=file, value=/home/data.img
      nbdkit: debug: cow: config key=rdelay, value=200ms
      nbdkit: debug: delay: config key=rdelay, value=200ms
      nbdkit: debug: cow: config key=cow-on-read, value=/var/tmp
      nbdkit: debug: cow: config_complete
      nbdkit: debug: delay: config_complete
      nbdkit: debug: file: config_complete
      nbdkit: debug: using thread model: parallel
      nbdkit: debug: file: get_ready
      nbdkit: debug: delay: get_ready thread_model=3
      nbdkit: debug: cow: get_ready thread_model=3
      nbdkit: debug: cow: temporary directory for overlay: /var/tmp
      nbdkit: debug: bound to unix socket /tmp/nbdkitJwALBA/socket
      nbdkit: debug: forked into background (new pid = 550809)
      nbdkit: debug: file: after_fork
      nbdkit: debug: delay: after_fork
      nbdkit: debug: cow: after_fork
      virt-inspector: access: nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbdkitJwALBA/socket: No such file or directory
      real    0m0.014s
      user    0m0.011s
      sys    0m0.002s
      nbdkit: debug: cow: cleanup
      nbdkit: debug: delay: cleanup
      nbdkit: debug: file: cleanup
      nbdkit: debug: file: unload plugin
      nbdkit: debug: delay: unload filter
      nbdkit: debug: cow: unload filter

      Actual results:
      As above description

      Expected result:
      virt-inspector: can access: nbdkit unix socket without error

      Additional info:
      Can't reproduce the bug with nbdkit-1.34.2-1.el9.x86_64

      # nbdkit file /home/latest-rhel9.img --filter=cow --filter=delay rdelay=200ms cow-on-read=/var/tmp --run 'time virt-inspector --format=raw -a "$uri"' 
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <product_name>Fedora 27 (Twenty Seven)</product_name>
            <mountpoint dev="/dev/sda1">/</mountpoint>
            <filesystem dev="/dev/sda1">
              <summary>Library for country/city/organization to IP address or hostname mapping</summary>
              <description>GeoIP is a C library that enables the user to find the country that any IP
      address or hostname originates from.
      LZMA is a general purpose compression algorithm designed by Igor Pavlov as
      part of 7-Zip. It provides high compression ratio while keeping the
      decompression speed fast.</description>
              <summary>Libraries for decoding LZMA compression</summary>
              <description>Libraries for decoding files compressed with LZMA or XZ utils.</description>
              <summary>The compression and decompression library</summary>
              <description>Zlib is a general-purpose, patent-free, lossless data compression
      library which is used by many different programs.</description>
      real    1m8.879s
      user    0m2.219s
      sys    0m1.508s

            rhn-eng-rjones Richard Jones
            mxie@redhat.com Ming Xie
            virt-maint virt-maint
            Yongkui Guo Yongkui Guo
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
