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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-33694

Jira "Release Pending" state and Errata and Tooling question

    • sst_centos_stream
    • None

      I hope I've directed this in the right place; if not, please let me know.

      We have a question about the "Release Pending" state in the RHEL project Jira cards.  If possible, we would like to set the state of RHEL cards to "Release Pending" after our QE team finalizes their testing.  This would be the equivalent of setting a Bugzilla to "Verified".

      This will allow our reporting in Jira to be more precise. Currently, we have cards that can sit in the "Integration" state for months before the Errata system moves them to "Release Pending."  So we get these waves of closures in one three-week sprint and nothing for the next couple of sprints.

      I know the errata system sets the state of the card to "Release Pending" after it completes processing it when putting builds together.  However, will it mess up the Errata system or any other Release Engineering tools if we set it ourselves? I'm hoping that the errata system will ignore the state and, at worst, reset it back to "Release Pending" when it's done processing.

            tdawson@redhat.com Troy Dawson
            tsweeney@redhat.com Tom Sweeney
            Jhon Honce, Jindrich Novy, Mohan Boddu, Neil Smith
            1 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
