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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-3278

leapp fails when doing a "yum clean all"

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    • sst_upgrades
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      Description of problem:
      Leapp fails during the step where "yum clean all" is executed in the container through systemd-nspawn.
      Usually, it happens when the repositories are not properly configured, in particular with a Satellite infrastructure.
      But this is not the case here: other machines, within the same infrastructure, have been upgraded successfully.
      During a test, they changed the command "yum clean all" by "yum repolist all", and then the upgrade worked. It was done directly in get_available_repo_ids() from /usr/share/leapp-repository/repositories/system_upgrade/el7toel8/libraries/rhsm.py.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      with the current leapp-data13.tar.gz.

      How reproducible:
      100% for the customer, but unable to reproduce internally.

      Actual results:

      2021-03-17 21:37:00.746 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator: Loaded plugins: enabled_repos_upload, product-id, search-disabled-repos,
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.757 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator:               : subscription-manager
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.925 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator: 
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.935 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator: This system is not receiving updates. You can use subscription-manager on the host to register and assign subscriptions.
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.947 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator: 
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.960 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator: Uploading Enabled Repositories Report
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.968 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator: There are no enabled repos.
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.977 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator:  Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.984 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator:  To enable Red Hat Subscription Management repositories:
      2021-03-17 21:37:00.992 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator:      subscription-manager repos --enable <repo>
      2021-03-17 21:37:01.0   DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator:  To enable custom repositories:
      2021-03-17 21:37:01.8   DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator:      yum-config-manager --enable <repo>
      2021-03-17 21:37:04.977 DEBUG    PID: 42336 leapp.workflow.TargetTransactionFactsCollection.target_userspace_creator: Command ['systemd-nspawn', '--register=no', '--quiet', '-D', '/var/lib/leapp/scratch/mounts/root_/system_overlay', '--bind=/etc/hosts:/etc/hosts', '--setenv=LEAPP_NO_RHSM=0', '--setenv=LEAPP_EXPERIMENTAL=0', '--setenv=LEAPP_COMMON_TOOLS=:/etc/leapp/repos.d/system_upgrade/el7toel8/tools', '--setenv=LEAPP_COMMON_FILES=:/etc/leapp/repos.d/system_upgrade/el7toel8/files', '--setenv=LEAPP_UNSUPPORTED=0', '--setenv=LEAPP_EXECUTION_ID=c5498300-0716-4e78-ae4b-59bad5a9a998', '--setenv=LEAPP_HOSTNAME=XXXXXX', 'yum', 'clean', 'all'] failed with exit code 1.

      Additional info:

      • We are suspecting a side effect of overlayfs, but currently we are unable to find some evidences.
      • From the strace of another machine which fails, we noticed they have at least 20 ext4 filesystems (including 15 fs which are not required during the upgrade).
      • During the "rollback" due to the failure, leapp is unable to remove some dirs used to mount overlays (e.g.: /var/lib/leapp/scratch/mounts/root_/system_overlay/...), there are some EBUSY (Device or resource busy).
      • During the "yum clean all", we can see some operations done by the subscription-manager plugin, it fills /var/cache/rhsm/profile.json and then exits without any obvious reasons. Extracting the rhsm.log, we can see a strange warning (as the file exists):
        2021-03-17 21:26:56,281 [WARNING] subscription-manager:28483:MainThread @cert_sorter.py:194 - Installed product 69 not present in response from server.

        => but this doesn't seem the same issue than rhbz#1911802

            leapp-notifications leapp-notifications
            rhn-support-cbesson Christophe Besson
            RHEL Upgrades QE Team RHEL Upgrades QE Team
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