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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-30373

libvirt should delete the qos set to ovs port after vm destroyed

    • libvirt-10.4.0-1.el9
    • Yes
    • Regression
    • sst_virtualization
    • ssg_virtualization
    • 20
    • 2
    • Dev ack
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • 10.4.0
    • None

      Description of problem:
      libvirt should delete the qos set to ovs ports after vm destroyed

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Install openvswitch2.17 on the host, then create a ovs bridge:

      # /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl start
      /etc/openvswitch/conf.db does not exist ... (warning).
      Creating empty database /etc/openvswitch/conf.db.
      Starting ovsdb-server.
      system ID not configured, please use --system-id ... failed!
      Configuring Open vSwitch system IDs.
      Inserting openvswitch module.
      Starting ovs-vswitchd.
      Enabling remote OVSDB managers.
      # ovs-vsctl add-br ovsbr0# ovs-vsctl show 
          Bridge ovsbr0
              Port ovsbr0
                  Interface ovsbr0
                      type: internal
          ovs_version: "2.17.10"

      2. Start a vm connected to this bridge with Qos setting:

      # virsh dumpxml rhel --xpath //interface 
      <interface type="bridge">
        <mac address="52:54:00:a9:fb:80"/>
        <source bridge="ovsbr0"/>
        <virtualport type="openvswitch">
          <parameters interfaceid="798bdd97-bfb8-4e5f-ad67-fa8b44a8d3ee"/>
          <inbound average="100" peak="300" burst="500"/>
          <outbound average="200" peak="400" burst="600"/>
        <model type="virtio"/>
        <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x01" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
      # systemctl restart virtqemud
      # virsh start rhel
      Domain 'rhel' started

      3. Check the tc rules, all set and expected:

      [root@localhost ~]# virsh domiflist rhel 
       Interface   Type     Source   Model    MAC
       vnet0       bridge   ovsbr0   virtio   52:54:00:a9:fb:80
      [root@localhost ~]#  tc class show dev vnet0
      class htb 1:1 parent 1:fffe prio 0 rate 800Kbit ceil 2400Kbit burst 500Kb cburst 500Kb
      class htb 1:fffe root rate 2400Kbit ceil 2400Kbit burst 1500b cburst 1500b
      [root@localhost ~]#  tc filter show dev vnet0 parent ffff:
      filter ingress protocol all pref 1 matchall chain 0 
      filter ingress protocol all pref 1 matchall chain 0 handle 0x1 
      	action order 1:  police 0x3 rate 1600Kbit burst 600Kb mtu 64Kb action drop/continue overhead 0b 
      	ref 1 bind 1
      Check the rules with ovs-vsctl command, all expected:
      [root@localhost ~]#  ovs-vsctl list qos
      _uuid               : 00a13d7e-e371-4492-af80-904067588354
      external_ids        : {ifname=vnet0, vm-id="c1070cbb-bdf2-4aaf-8af7-5896d5735095"}
      other_config        : {burst="4096000", max-rate="2400000", min-rate="800000"}
      queues              : {0=889c1e38-ae11-4d8e-aba5-69ce428bdd23}
      type                : linux-htb

      4. Destroy the vm, check the qos rules with ovs-vsctl, it still exists, which is unexpected:

      # virsh destroy rhel 
      Domain 'rhel' destroyed
      [root@localhost ~]#  ovs-vsctl list qos   <====== this is unexpected, it should be deleted as vnet0 does not exist any more
      _uuid               : 00a13d7e-e371-4492-af80-904067588354
      external_ids        : {ifname=vnet0, vm-id="c1070cbb-bdf2-4aaf-8af7-5896d5735095"}
      other_config        : {burst="4096000", max-rate="2400000", min-rate="800000"}
      queues              : {0=889c1e38-ae11-4d8e-aba5-69ce428bdd23}
      type                : linux-htb

      5. Restart virtqemud, and start the vm again, it will use the target name as "vnet0" again. Check the rules by tc, it's broken:

      [root@localhost ~]# systemctl restart virtqemud 
      [root@localhost ~]# virsh start rhel 
      Domain 'rhel' started
      [root@localhost ~]#  tc class show dev vnet0      <======= this is unexpected
      [root@localhost ~]#  tc filter show dev vnet0 parent ffff:
      filter ingress protocol all pref 1 matchall chain 0 
      filter ingress protocol all pref 1 matchall chain 0 handle 0x1 
      	action order 1:  police 0x1 rate 1600Kbit burst 600Kb mtu 64Kb action drop/continue overhead 0b 
      	ref 1 bind 1

      Actual results:
      The ovs qos rule exists even after vm destroyed and vnet* interface deleted

      Expected results:
      The ovs qos rules should be deleted after vm destroyed

      Additional info:
      When delete/unset the inbound setting, the ovs qos can be deleted successfully.
      Test on libvirt-8.10.0-1.el9.x86_64 ---> fail, impact rhel 9.2
      Test on libvirt-8.0.0-23.module+el8.10.0 ----> pass, so no impact for rhel 8
      Test on libvirt-8.5.0-7.3.el9_1.x86_64 ---> fail, impact rhel 9.1

            mprivozn@redhat.com Michal Privoznik
            yalzhang@redhat.com Yalan Zhang
            Haijiao Zhao
            Michal Privoznik Michal Privoznik
            Yanqiu Zhang Yanqiu Zhang
            0 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
