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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-29764

cups doesn't send Content-Type header back to client when Set-Cookie is seen first

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • rhel-9.5
    • rhel-8.9.0, rhel-9.3.0
    • cups
    • None
    • cups-2.3.3op2-25.el9
    • Yes
    • Moderate
    • Regression
    • sst_cs_infra_services
    • ssg_core_services
    • 14
    • 3
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • None
    • All
    • None

      What were you trying to do that didn't work?

      A customer found out that when accessing curl URL through httpd and mod_proxy, the first 2 responses were not containing Content-Type header.
      The reason behind this seems to be a bug in curl when first initializing the connection.

      Through stracing, we can see that the CGI handler initially sends Set-Cookie + Content-Type header.
      Then subsequent requests made on the keepalived connection lead to CGI handler to only send Content-Type header.

      Once the response sent by CGI handler is read by main curl daemon, the following code executes:

      2367 /*
      2368  * 'cupsdWriteClient()' - Write data to a client as needed.
      2369  */
      2371 void
      2372 cupsdWriteClient(cupsd_client_t *con)   /* I - Client connection */
      2373 {
      2490     if (con->pipe_pid && !con->got_fields)
      2491     {
      2492      /*
      2493       * Inspect the data for Content-Type and other fields.
      2494       */
      2496       for (bufptr = con->header, bufend = con->header + con->header_used,
      2497                field_col = 0;
      2498            !con->got_fields && bufptr < bufend;
      2499            bufptr ++)
      2500       {
      2513           if (!con->sent_header)
      2514           {
      2515            /*
      2516             * Handle redirection and CGI status codes...
      2517             */
      2519             http_field_t field;         /* HTTP field */
      2520             char        *value = strchr(con->header, ':');
      2521                                         /* Value of field */
      2523             if (value)
      2524             {
      2525               *value++ = '\0';
      2526               while (isspace(*value & 255))
      2527                 value ++;
      2528             }
      2530             field = httpFieldValue(con->header);
      2532             if (field != HTTP_FIELD_UNKNOWN && value)
      2533             {
      2534               httpSetField(con->http, field, value);
      2536               if (field == HTTP_FIELD_LOCATION)
      2537               {
      2538                 con->pipe_status = HTTP_STATUS_SEE_OTHER;
      2539                 con->sent_header = 2;
      2540               }
      2541               else
      2542                 con->sent_header = 1;
      2543             }
      2544             else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(con->header, "Status") && value)
      2545             {
      2546               con->pipe_status = (http_status_t)atoi(value);
      2547               con->sent_header = 2;
      2548             }
      2549             else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(con->header, "Set-Cookie") && value)
      2550             {
      2551               httpSetCookie(con->http, value);
      2552               con->sent_header = 1;
      2553             }
      2554           }

      Initially a Set-Cookie: ...; Content-Type: ... is sent by CGI, this ends up extracting Set-Cookie and changing con->sent_header to 1 (lines 2551-2552).
      Then the loop on headers (line 2496) for executes again and Content-Type is processed.
      However, because con->sent_header on line 2513 is not 0 anymore, the header is discarded (line 2534 is not entered anymore).

      Later, when more requests are made on the persistent connection, Content-Type is sent back, which causes the header to be processed correctly.

      I don't understand the rationale behind this:

      • The value con->sent_header can be set to 1 or 2, but none of the code seems to make a difference, the condition on the variable is always comparing to 0.
      • Also, Set-Cookie seems to be considered as not a header, since httpSetCookie() is called instead of httpSetField(), so I would expect line 2552 to be removed.
      • Finally setting this con->sent_header definitely makes all the other headers returned by CGI be ignored, I doubt this is expected.

      This worked fine on RHEL7, the code was the same except there was no Set-Cookie handling, which must have made Content-Type header to be processed, whereas with RHEL8 and RHEL9 code, it's not the case.

      Please provide the package NVR for which bug is seen:


      How reproducible:


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Install httpd, mod_ssl and curl
        # yum -y install httpd mod_ssl curl
      1. Setup the proxy: /etc/httpd/conf.d/cups.conf
        DumpIOInput On
        DumpIOOutput Off
        LogLevel warn dumpio:trace7
        ProxyRequests Off
        SSLProxyEngine Off
        SSLProxyVerify None
        SSLProxyCheckPeerName Off
        SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire Off
        ProxyPass /example/cups/ http://localhost:631/ status=+I
        ProxyPassReverse /example/cups/ http://localhost:631/
        ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /example/cups/
      1. Start cups and restart httpd
        # systemctl restart cups httpd
      1. Query cups through the proxy 3 times
        # for i in $(seq 1 3); do echo "Try #$i:"; curl -kv http://localhost/example/cups/admin/ 2>&1 | grep 'rel="stylesheet" href="'; sleep 1; done
      1. Check httpd error log
        # grep "charset=utf-8" /etc/httpd/logs/error_log | grep mod_dumpio | grep -v DOCTYPE

      Expected results

      Seeing 3 times Content-Type in headers.

      Actual results

      Seeing only 1 time (the third request and onwards):

      [Wed Mar 20 13:31:04.350017 2024] [dumpio:trace7] [pid 42406:tid 42564] mod_dumpio.c(100): [remote ::1:631] mod_dumpio:  dumpio_in (data-HEAP): ontent-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\n

            zdohnal@redhat.com Zdenek Dohnal
            rhn-support-rmetrich Renaud Métrich
            Zdenek Dohnal Zdenek Dohnal
            Petr Dancak Petr Dancak
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
