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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-25017

[RFE] Prevent user-installed GNOME Shell extensions from being loaded (only allow system-wide)

    • gnome-shell-40.10-17.el9
    • ZStream
    • sst_desktop
    • ssg_desktop
    • 25
    • 26
    • None
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • Approved Blocker
    • None

      What is the nature and description of the request?
      We require the ability to block user-installed GNOME extensions. In the Extensions app, system-wide extensions are designated as "Built-In" while user-installed extensions are designated as "Manually Installed".

      Can you elaborate on the operational requirements for this RFE?
      We provide various GNOME extensions to our users and want them to be able to customize their environment by enable / disable the extensions we provide. However, we don't want to allow users to install additional extensions in their $HOME directory and require some technical way to force-disable and block those.

      How would you like to achieve this? (List functional requirements here.)
      We'll be happy with a gsetting that explicitly disallows for Manually Installed extensions.

      For each functional requirement listed, how can we test to confirm the requirement is successfully implemented?
      Once the feature is implemented, try installing a GNOME extension in a user $HOME directory and see if it's available to be enabled in the Extensions app.

      Is there an existing RFE bug upstream?
      Not that we know of.

            fmuellne@redhat.com Florian Muellner
            rhn-support-amike Andrew Mike
            Florian Muellner Florian Muellner
            Tomas Pelka Tomas Pelka
            0 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
