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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-2223

vfs_crossrename not working in samba-4.15.*

    • samba-4.21.3-101.el10
    • None
    • Low
    • rhel-sst-idm-sssd
    • ssg_idm
    • 0
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • None
    • If docs needed, set a value
    • None

      Description of problem:
      Trying to create a trash (recycle) for a Samba share, the path
      for the recycle is in another filesystem. Using vfs_crossrename
      is a requirement.
      While the configuration is working with samba-4.12.3-14, it is
      not working in newest Samba version (4.15.5).

      Note: It looks like a regression.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      • Working:
      • samba-4.12.3-14
      • Not working
      • samba-4.13.3-3
      • latest samba version 4.15.5
      • Versions between 4.13.3 and 4.15.5 were not tested

      How reproducible:

      This issue is constantly happening, is not an intermittent
      issue. vfs_crossrename is not working in newer versions.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Install Samba packages

      2. Configure recycle in a share using another filesystem
      than the Samba share itself:

      comment = test
      path = /test/
      writeable = Yes
      read only = No
      browseable = No

      vfs objects = full_audit recycle crossrename
      full_audit:success = open write unlink rmdir mkdir rename chmod chown
      full_audit:failure = none
      full_audit:prefix = %u|%I
      full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
      full_audit:priority = NOTICE

      recycle:exclude = .~, ~., .bak, *.tmp, *.TMP, *.temp, *.o, *.obj, Thumbs.db, .~lock., *.lnk
      recycle:keeptree = yes
      recycle:touch = true
      recycle:versions = yes
      recycle:noversions = .doc,.xls,.htm,.html,.txt,.ppt,.mp3,.docx,.pptx,.xlsx,.ods,.odt,.odp,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.bmp,.pdf
      recycle:repository = /anotherfilesystem/
      crossrename:sizelimit = 2000

      3. Remove a file from a Samba client (Windows, for example).

      Actual results:

      • The file is not going to be moved to the recycle path.

      Expected results:

      • The file should be moved to recycle path.

      Additional info:

      • Same configuration is working with samba-4.12.3-14
      • If recycle path is changed to the same filesystem, it works

              pfilipen@redhat.com Pavel Filipensky
              rhn-support-csoliard Adrian Soliard
              Pavel Filipensky Pavel Filipensky
              Denis Karpelevich Denis Karpelevich
              0 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
