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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-2109

[RHEL9] [RFE] Support Certificate Auto Enrollment in Samba

    • samba-4.20.0-103.el9
    • Low
    • rhel-sst-idm-sssd
    • ssg_idm
    • 0
    • QE ack, Dev ack
    • False
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    • Yes
    • None
    • Enhancement
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      .Samba supports certificate auto enrollment from Active Directory Certificate Services

      With this enhancement, Samba on RHEL clients joined to an Active Directory (AD) can enroll for certificates from AD Certificate Services. The `certmonger` service keeps track of the certificates and renews them before they expire. As a result, administrators can use the private key and the certificate issued from the AD certificate authority in other services running on the same Samba host.
      .Samba supports certificate auto enrollment from Active Directory Certificate Services With this enhancement, Samba on RHEL clients joined to an Active Directory (AD) can enroll for certificates from AD Certificate Services. The `certmonger` service keeps track of the certificates and renews them before they expire. As a result, administrators can use the private key and the certificate issued from the AD certificate authority in other services running on the same Samba host.
    • Done
    • None

      The next stable release of Samba (4.16) introduces a new feature, Certificate auto enrolment: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Certificate_Auto_Enrollment

      To achieve this functionality, Samba leverages a number of third party components, most of which are not available as RPM packages.

      The components for which RPMs are not available are:

      I would like to request that Red Hat create RPMs for these components and include them when Samba 4.16 is released to the official RHEL repositories.

              anschnei@redhat.com Andreas Schneider
              rhn-support-suwu Sunny Wu
              Andreas Schneider Andreas Schneider
              Denis Karpelevich Denis Karpelevich
              Marc Muehlfeld Marc Muehlfeld
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
