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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-19047

fix: avoid conf of RatelimitBurst when RatelimitInterval is zero

    • rhel-system-roles-1.23.0-2.4.el8
    • sst_system_roles
    • 15
    • 16
    • None
    • QE ack, Dev ack
    • False
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    • Yes
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • None
    • Enhancement
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      .`ratelimit_burst` variable is only used if `ratelimit_interval` is set in `logging` system role

      Previously, in the `logging` RHEL System Role, when the `ratelimit_interval` variable was not set, the role would use the `ratelimit_burst` variable to set the rsyslog `ratelimit.burst` setting. But it had no effect because it is also required to set `ratelimit_interval`.

      With this enhancement, if `ratelimit_interval` is not set, the role does not set `ratelimit.burst`. If you want to set `ratelimit.burst`, you must set both `ratelimit_interval` and `ratelimit_burst` variables.
      .`ratelimit_burst` variable is only used if `ratelimit_interval` is set in `logging` system role Previously, in the `logging` RHEL System Role, when the `ratelimit_interval` variable was not set, the role would use the `ratelimit_burst` variable to set the rsyslog `ratelimit.burst` setting. But it had no effect because it is also required to set `ratelimit_interval`. With this enhancement, if `ratelimit_interval` is not set, the role does not set `ratelimit.burst`. If you want to set `ratelimit.burst`, you must set both `ratelimit_interval` and `ratelimit_burst` variables.
    • Done
    • None

      Enhancement: As documented in main [rsyslog documentation](https://rsyslog.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration/modules/imjournal.html), `ratelimit.burst` have some sense only when `ratelimit.interval` is configured and different from zero.

      Reason: Improve `ratelimit.burst` configuration when `ratelimit.interval` is disable (equal to zero)

      Result: `ratelimit.burst` is not present when `ratelimit.interval` is disable (equal to zero)

      Issue Tracker Tickets (Jira or BZ if any):

            rmeggins@redhat.com Richard Megginson
            rmeggins@redhat.com Richard Megginson
            Richard Megginson Richard Megginson
            David Jez David Jez
            Apurva Bhide Apurva Bhide
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
