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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-16354

Support UKI install via kernel-install

    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • rhel-9.4
    • rhel-9.3.0
    • systemd
    • systemd-252-23.el9
    • sst_cs_plumbers
    • ssg_core_services
    • 26
    • 8
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • None
    • None

      Support for installing UKIs via kernel-install was added to systemd-253, the relevant commits are: 

      3d5f0bfe4e72 kernel-install: handle uki installs automatically
      642617f43145 kernel-install: remove math slang from man page
      c7314ee7e290 90-uki-copy.install: create $BOOT/EFI/Linux directory if needed
      78088b8f4371 bootctl: tweak DOS header magic check
      2d4260482cb8 bootctl: kernel-inspect: print os info
      24a3b37f12a1 bootctl: add kernel-inspect to --help text
      a05255981ba5 bootctl: add kernel-inspect command
      53c368d71ba4 bootctl: add kernel-identity command

      The functionality is needed for RHEL UKI (kernel-uki-virt) package as currently it uses a 'cp' stop-gap and this far from ideal. E.g. custom kernel install scripts from /etc/kernel/install.d/ are not being called.

      For additional context: in Fedora, 'uki-direct' package was introduced to assist setting UEFI vairables (BootXXXX/BootNext/BootOrder) upon UKI updates. This package also relies on kernel-install being called for UKIs and so this systemd feature is a pre-requisite to get it backported into RHEL. Even more details on the approach are available here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Unified_Kernel_Support_Phase_2 


            zjedrzej Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
            vkuznets@redhat.com Vitaly Kuznetsov
            systemd maint mailing list systemd maint mailing list
            Frantisek Sumsal Frantisek Sumsal
            0 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
